Question: calculation of Major Axis and Minor Axis of an ellipse

How to improve this program ? Thank you.

Equation de la conique
eqcon := (45 - 27*cos(alpha))*x^2 - 54*sin(alpha)*x*y + (45 + 27*cos(alpha))*y^2 - 8;
Delta := (-54*sin(alpha))^2 - 4*(45 - 27*cos(alpha))*(45 + 27*cos(alpha));
Discriminant : Δ<0 ce qui correxpond à une ellipse
Eq := simplify(expand(subs(x = cos(alpha/2)*X - sin(alpha/2)*Y, y = sin(alpha/2)*X + cos(alpha/2)*Y, eqcon)));
kx := coeff(Eq, X, 2);
ky := coeff(Eq, Y, 2);
k := -tcoeff(Eq);

EQ := X^2/(sqrt(1/kx^2)*k) + Y^2/(sqrt(1/ky^2)*k) = 1;
Calcul du grand et du petit axe 
a := 1/sqrt(coeff(lhs(EQ), X, 2));
b := 1/sqrt(coeff(lhs(EQ), Y, 2));
print(X^2/('a^2') + Y^2/('b^2') = 1);

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