Question: Animation of a trapeze


EQ := proc(M, N) local eq; eq := (y - M[2])/(x - M[1]) = (N[2] - M[2])/(N[1] - M[1]); end proc;
     EQ := proc (M, N) local eq; eq := (y-M[2])/(x-M[1]) = 

        (N[2]-M[2])/(N[1]-M[1]) end proc

On considère un trapèze dans lequel une base est fixe l'autre base a une longueur constante et la somme des 2 autres côtés est constaante.
Trouver :
1-. le lieu des sommets mobiles.
A := [xA, 0]:
B := [xA + a, 0]:
D := [xD, yD]:
C := [xD + b, yD]:
EQ(B, C);
E := [xA + a - b, 0]:
Omega1 := (A + E)/2;
Application numérique :
Lieux des sommets C et D

xA := -5:
a := 13:#a>=b
b := 7:
c := -3:
xD := -6:
xC := xD + c:

Ll:=11:aa:= Ll/2: 
cc := (a - b)/2:
bb := sqrt(aa^2 - cc^2):
el1 := (x - Omega1[1])^2/aa^2 + y^2/bb^2 = 1:
sol := solve(subs(x = xD, (x - Omega1[1])^2/aa^2 + y^2/bb^2 = 1), y):
yD := sol[1]:
el2 := (x - Omega1[1] - b)^2/aa^2 + y^2/bb^2 = 1:
EL1 := implicitplot(el1, x = -9 .. 4, y = -6 .. 6, color = blue):
EL2 := implicitplot(el2, x = -9 .. 12, y = -6 .. 12, color = blue):
Trap := polygonplot([A, B, C, D], color = blue, filled = true, transparency = 0.9):
Points := pointplot([A[], B[], C[], C[], D[], E[], Omega1[]], symbol = solidcircle, color = [red], symbolsize = 6):
tex := textplot([[A[], "A"], [B[], "B"], [C[], "C"], [D[], "D"], [E[], "E"], [Omega1[], "Ω1"]], align = ["above", "right"]):
display([Trap, EL1, EL2, tex, Points], axes = normal, scaling = constrained):
Fig := proc(xD) 
local yD, D, C,Points,tex; 
global A, B, b, Omega, xA, xB, EL1, EL2; 
solve(subs(x = xD, (x - Omega1[1])^2/aa^2 + y^2/bb^2 = 1), y); 
yD := %[1]; D:= [xD, yD]; C := [xD + b, yD];
Points := pointplot([A[], B[], C[], C[], D[], E[], Omega1[]], symbol = solidcircle, color = [red], symbolsize = 6): 
tex := textplot([[A[], "A"], [B[], "B"], [C[], "C"], [D[], "D"], [E[], "E"], [Omega1[], "Ω1"]], align = ["above", "right"]):
display([polygonplot([A, B, C, D], color = blue, filled = true, transparency = 0.9), Points,tex,EL1, EL2], axes = normal, scaling = constrained); 
end proc:

Fig([seq(-6 + 3*i/10), i = 1.20], insequence = true);
Error, (in Engine:-Dispatch) badly formed input to solve: not fully algebraic
;I don't understand this error message. Thank you gfor your help.

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