Question: Animation of an ellipse

Problema with textplot

  _EnvHorizontalName := 'x':
  _EnvVerticalName := 'y':
  a := 7:
  b := 3:
  ellipse(p, x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1, [x, y]):
  Fig := proc(t)
              local M, l1,L1,L2,  q, m, c , tex;
              global a, b, p;
              point(M, a*cos(t), b*sin(t));
              if   VerticalCoord(M)=0
              then line(l1, x=HorizontalCoord(M));
              else m:=eval[recurse]( rhs
                                     ( isolate
                                       ( diff
                                         ( eval
                                           ( Equation(p),
                                     [ y(x)=y,
                   line(l1, y=m*x+c);
              reflection(q, p, l1);
              line(L1, [point(P1, evalf~(coordinates(foci(q)[1]))),
                            point(P2, evalf~(coordinates(foci(q)[2])))]):  
              line(L2, [point(P3, evalf~(coordinates(foci(p)[1]))),
                            point(P4, evalf~(coordinates(foci(p)[2])))]): 
              segment(P1P3,[P1,P3]): circle(cir1,[P3,2*a]):
              circle(cir1,[P3,2*a]): circle(cir2,[P4,2*a]):
              textplot([[P2[], "F1"], [P4[], "F2"]], font = [times, 10], align = {below, left}):            
              draw( [ p(color = blue),P1P3(color=magenta,linestyle=3),
                      q(color = blue),P2P4(color=magenta,linestyle=3),
                      l1(color = black),L1(color = black),cir1(color=magenta,linestyle=3),
                      M(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
                      P1(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
                      P2(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
                      P3(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
                      P4(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16)
                    axes = none,
                    scaling = constrained);
          end proc:
# Change nFig to type float
   nFig := 180.0:
# Make sure loop index is a float, and change end point
# on loop to nFig-1.0
   Figs := seq(Fig(2*Pi*i/nFig), i = 0.0 .. nFig-1.0):
   plots:-display(Figs, insequence = true);
Error, (in plots:-textplot) improper op or subscript selector
Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: Figs

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