Question: Copying output together vs seperately

So I have a problem when copying multiple output from Maple to Word. I am using a simple example here. 

When I copy each part of the output as an image SEPERATELY, it comes out much cleaner than if I highlight everything together and then copy. Is there a reason this is the case and is there a way to fix this problem?

Here is the Maple Code:

ttt1 := textplot([0, 1, "3  +  5  =  __", color = "black", font = ["Arial", "bold", 120]]);
display(ttt1, size = [1000, 200], axes = none);
ttt1 := textplot([0, 1, "1  +  3  =  __", color = "black", font = ["Arial", "bold", 120]]);
display(ttt1, size = [1000, 200], axes = none);

I also uploaded the Maple Worksheet

Here is the output:

There are TWO imges in the output in this example. I tried copying both together and pasting them, and then I tried copying them individually. The output is very different in quality.

The one copied alot is much cleaner once copied and pasted in Word. Does anyone why this is happening? I don't want to have to copy images individally for obvoius reasons. I know this example is only two images but what if there was alot more, etc.

Thank you


with(plottools); with(plots); ttt1 := textplot([0, 1, "3  +  5  =  __", color = "black", font = ["Arial", "bold", 120]]); display(ttt1, size = [1000, 200], axes = none); ttt1 := textplot([0, 1, "1  +  3  =  __", color = "black", font = ["Arial", "bold", 120]]); display(ttt1, size = [1000, 200], axes = none)





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