Question: How to solve linear Diophantine equations involving algebraic number coefficients in Maple?

For instance, I'd like to find the integer solutions of the following system (unknowns: k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], and k[6]): 


It seems that the isolve command cannot solve such a system of linear equations, but its integer solutions do exist: 

sol := [k[1] = _Z1, k[2] = _Z2, k[3] = _Z3, k[4] = _Z4, k[5] = _Z5, k[6] = _Z1 + 2*_Z3 + 2*_Z4 + _Z5 + 3*_Z6, k[7] = 2*_Z1 + _Z3 + 8*_Z4 - _Z6, k[8] = -21*_Z1 + 2*_Z2 - _Z4 - 4*_Z5 + _Z6, k[9] = 24*_Z1 - 4*_Z2 - 5*_Z3 - 12*_Z4 + 3*_Z5 - 4*_Z6, k[10] = -7*_Z1 + _Z2 + _Z3 + 2*_Z4 - _Z5 + _Z6]: (*results from Mathematica*)
evala(subs(sol, eqs));

Here _Z1, _Z2, _Z3, _Z4, _Z5, and _Z6 are integer parameters. However, how do I get this result in Maple?

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