Question: Compare Maple 2019 with Maple 16: True or False?

In this paper (see the footnote on the page), the authors pointed out: 

We use maple-v16 as it is faster than the -v2019 for real root isolation on our benchmarks.

Since I don't have Maple 16 at present, I cannot confirm such an assertion personally. However, I'd like to ascertain if old Maple 16 (released in 2012) is still faster in that specialized realm now (i.e., in 2023). Is there any benchmark test that supports this claim (or tells an opposite story instead?)?

Note. Here I just try to justify the authors' statement (which has caused confusion). Incidentally, will this library be a part of Maple in some future version? (I find that some recent papers provide new "powerful"—in accordance with their "Experiment" sections—Maple packages to tackle difficult problems efficaciously, but such functionalities are not built into the Maple kernel as yet. (In fact, if Maple is a single integrated all-in-one technical platform, then I will no longer need to change tools and formats at each stage. :) ))

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