Question: I am unable to simplify a large expression using one given condition.

I am unable to simplify a large expression using one given condition.

For example, suppose, I want to simplify the expression 

A=(20*a40*b10^2*b20 - 6*a50*b10^3)*a01^3 + ((-10*a11*a40 + 36*a21*a30)*b10^3 + (7*a11*a30*b20 - 30*a20^2*b21 - 9*a20*a30*b11)*b10^2 + (-12*a11*a20*b20^2 + 39*a20^2*b11*b20)*b10 + 15*b20^2*a11*a20*b11)*a01^2 + (-2*a11^2*a30*b10^3 + (27*a11^2*a20*b20 + 9*a11*a20^2*b11)*b10^2)*a01 + 18*a11^3*a20*b10^3

where it is given that a01*(a20*b20-a30*b10)+a11*a20*b11=0

Is there any way out to simplify A by reducing the number of terms in A? 

I need a proper solution. 

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