Question: Need to Solve Nonlinear ODE

Hello Everyone;

I need to solve the following nonlinear ODE

C*diff(y(x), x) + (-B0*y(x)^3 - B1*y(x)^2 - B2*y(x) - B3) = 0, y(0)=B4

where B0,B1,B2,B3 and B4 are constants. I am trying in Maple 2021, but receiving solution in the form of integral. Is that any other ways that I will be able exact solution. Maple sheet is atatched. I am waiting for your kind respose.




infolevel[dsolve] := 4



ode22 := C*(diff(y(x), x))-B0*y(x)^3-B1*y(x)^2-B2*y(x)-B3 = 0

C*(diff(y(x), x))-B0*y(x)^3-B1*y(x)^2-B2*y(x)-B3 = 0


solll := dsolve(ode22, implicit, useInt)

Methods for first order ODEs:


--- Trying classification methods ---


trying a quadrature


trying 1st order linear


trying Bernoulli


trying separable


<- separable successful


x-Intat(C/(B0*_a^3+B1*_a^2+B2*_a+B3), _a = y(x))+_C1 = 0


ode[257] := C*(diff(y(x), x))-B0*y(x)^3-B1*y(x)^2-B2*y(x)-B3 = 0

C*(diff(y(x), x))-B0*y(x)^3-B1*y(x)^2-B2*y(x)-B3 = 0


dsolve(ode[257], implicit)

Methods for first order ODEs:


--- Trying classification methods ---


trying a quadrature


trying 1st order linear


trying Bernoulli


trying separable


<- separable successful


x-Intat(C/(B0*_a^3+B1*_a^2+B2*_a+B3), _a = y(x))+_C1 = 0




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