Question: How do i remove the vertical line when plotting Implicit piecewise

I am trying to plot the following.

it consist of a line and a circle.

if tried doing it as so:

f := x -> piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1.588125352, (-1)*0.39*x^2 + 1.459*x - y, 1.588125352 <= x and x < 4, (x - 1.81)^2 + (y - 0.42)^2 + (-1)*0.94^2);

implicitplot(f(x), x = 0 .. 3, y = 0 .. 1.5, scaling = constrained);

every time i get this ugly line in the point where the funktion switches and i can't seem to remove it.

I've tried discont = true, but it doesn't seem to work on implicitplots. 

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