Question: How to make a system of ODE into its dimensionless version:

I want to make the system of ODE into its dimensionless version:

Dimensional version: 

dN/dT= R*N (1 −N/K)−alpha*N*P/(A + N);

dP/dT= gamma*N*P/( A + N) + C*P/(1 + Q*P) −MP;

N (0) ≡N_0 ≥0 and P (0) ≡P_0 ≥0

R, K alpha, gamma, M, C, Q are all positive constant. 

Using one choice of dimensionless variable x = N/K , y = alpha*P/(R*K), t = R*T, the system of ODE can be reduced to its dimensionless version as follows:

dx/dt = x*(1 −x ) −x*y/(a + x);

dy/dt = b*x*y/(a + x) + c*y/(1 + q*y) −m*y

where the dimensionless parameters are a = A/K , b = gamma/R , c = C/R , q = Q*R*K/alpha, and m = M/R.

How to do this in maple. Please help. 

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