Question: How do I extract the x-y data used by Histogram( ) to generate a histogram?


The Historgram( ) function is the combination of a binning computation and a visualization of the result of the binning computation. In order to generate any histogram you need to know the set of bin boundaries and the number of counts in each bin.


These bin boundaries look like: bin_bounds := [[`x__1,min`, `x__1,max`], [`x__2,min`, `x__2,max`], () .. (), [`x__N,min`, `x__N,max`]]where there are N bins in total.

The counts data looks like: counts := [H__1, H__2, () .. (), H__N]where there are N bins in total.


The Histogram( ) command passed this data around internally. Can I have Histogram( ) output this data? In other words, can I get the x-y data from the histogram, the bins-counts data?

Download counts_and_bins_data_output_from_histogram().mw

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