Question: Polynoms plot and calculation

With the attached task I would like to learn how Maple handles polynomials and plots. For this I have chosen a task with an interesting history from 1593. Adriaan van Roomen posed it to F. Vieta, who solved it after a short consideration.

My questions are:
1.) How are very long terms entered and displayed in Maple in an appropriate manner?
2.) How are the graphs of several functions displayed in the same coordinate system?
3.) Which graphics settings must be selected for differentiable functions in order to obtain nice, rounded curves rather than angular ones from the numerical result?
4.) Can the apparently random oscillations of the curve at the end of the interval be suppressed?
5.) The curves for p(x) and sinnx(x) are theoretically identical, since p(x) is the trigonometric expansion of sinnx(x). Their graphs must therefore be identical. How can this be displayed?
6.) The polynomial has many real zeros. How can the zeros be clearly presented in a table?

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