Question: Solved: 3 equations with 3 unknowns will not calculate with decimal numbers

Hello everyone, first time poster here.

I am trying to calculate xDLVO theory for a surface, which is simply 3 equations with 3 unknown. I have values for everything except x, y and z and Maple gives intermediate results for all the equations when defining them. The cos(x) is of a contact angle, and the problem is that Maple will not calculate x, y and z when all three cos(x) have decimal numbers. when changing just one of them to a whole number, such as changing cos(66.969) to cos(67), then it solve the unknowns. This is the same for the other two numbers, there just always have to be a atleast one whole number in one of the cos(x). I have tried to just use the results of the cos(x), so I enter decimal numbers instead of the entire (1+cos(x) bracket, and it still will not work with decimal numbers.

I am not the brightest at math or Maple, so maybe it is a dumb mistake from my part :)


eqw := Ytotw*(1 + cos(66.696)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylww*x) + sqrt(y*Ypw) + sqrt(Ymw*z));

           eqw := 17.99142992 = 2*sqrt(26)*sqrt(x) + 10.09950494*sqrt(y) + 10.09950494*sqrt(z)

eqf := Ytotf*(1 + cos(42.497)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylwf*x) + sqrt(y*Ypf) + sqrt(Ymf*z));

           eqf := 62.95291273 = 2*sqrt(39)*sqrt(x) + 3.019933774*sqrt(y) + 12.58570618*sqrt(z)

eqd := Ytotd*(1 + cos(30.405)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylwd*x) + sqrt(y*Ypd) + sqrt(Ymd*z));

          eqd := 77.77865435 = 14.25482374*sqrt(x)

solve([eqw, eqf, eqd], [x, y, z]);


Thank you for your time!

Best regards


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