Question: How to mark data point on a plot

Objective: plot a graph from data drawn from two arrays. I would like to have the data points marked with a symbol (point, circle, or diamond, etc.) on the graph. How do I do that? Following is the code: -- two arrays of data point: engineeringStress and epsilon(engineering strain) -- Zip is used to put two arrays into data points (x,y) to create stressStrainData -- plot is used to graph The plot shows a line; I would like to have the data points marked (visibly seen) on the graph. Thanks. --mdc > restart; > with(plots); with(plottools); > crossArea := (3.2*19.1)*(1/1000)^2; > force := Array([0., 1380.0, 2780.0, 5630.0, 7430.0, 8140.0, 9870.0, 12850.0, 14100.0, 14340.0, 13830.0, 12500.0]); > engineeringStress := force/crossArea; II. Calculate Strain: epilon = (length (i) - length (initial)) / length (i). Length is in meter. Strain is dimensionless > len := (1/1000)*Array([63.50, 63.53, 63.56, 63.62, 63.70, 63.75, 64.14, 65.41, 66.68, 67.95, 69.22, 70.49]); > > epsilon := (len-len[1])/len[1]; > stressStrainData := zip(`[]`, epsilon, engineeringStress); > stressStrainPlot := plot(stressStrainData, linestyle = solid, symbol = circle, labels = [engrStrain, engrStress]); > plots[display]([stressStrainPlot], title = "Engineering Stress vs Engineering Strain");
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