Question: Wrong result using solve with piecewise function

Hi all!

  • When I enter

    f := (x, m) -> abs(x + m) + 3*x^2;
    > solve(f(x, m) = 0, x);
    > simplify(%);

    Maple returns

    which is definitely wrong for m = 1/12.
  • When I enter

f := (x, m) -> < x[2], -abs(x[1] + 4*m) - abs(x[2] - m) - 1/2*x[2] + 5*m >:
> E := solve({f(x, m)[1] = 0, f(x, m)[2] = 0}, {x[1], x[2]}):
> simplify(E);

Maple returns

However, I expected something like

m = 0:   [ {x[1] = 0, x[2] = 0}]
0 < m:   [ {x[1] = 0, x[2] = 0}, {x[1] = -m, x[2] = 0}, {x[1] = -8m, x[2] = 0}]
otherwise:   [ ] 


Does anyone know a way to receive correct results?

Thanks a lot,

PS: I'm using Maple 12.02

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