Question: Kernel connection lost

In a previous thread I, most thankfully, learned that if B := A for some Array A, then B will not be a reinstantiation of A, which is most simply ascertained with the command eval(A = B) which here evaluates true. On several occassions, though, I would like reinstantiation. This, I found out, can be done in at least two ways; B := Array(A), or B := map(eval,A). However, in such simple reinstantiations information about for instance any indexing functions of A is lost. But they can be propagated using the ArrayIndFns(...), as seen from
A := Array(symmetric,1..4,1..4):
B := Array(ArrayIndFns(A),A):
ArrayIndFns(A),ArrayIndFns(B),evalb(A = B);
On one occasion, though, I misspelled the ArrayIndFns as ArrayIndFcs, that is
A := Array(symmetric,1..4,1..4):
B := Array(ArrayIndFcs(A),A):
ArrayIndFns(A),ArrayIndFns(B),evalb(A = B);
and Maple responded with losing kernel connection. Can that be considered a bug?
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