Question: Manipulating the output of the solve/fsolve functions when solving a system of equations

Hello, I would like to know how i could manipulate the output that i receive from the solve/fsolve commands: sample code: > for n from 1 to 10 by 1 do > fsolve({x+y=n+6,x*y=10},{x,y}) > end do; {y = 2.000000000, x = 5.000000000} {y = 1.550510257, x = 6.449489743} {x = 7.701562119, y = 1.298437881} {x = 8.872983346, y = 1.127016654} {y = 1.000000000, x = 10.00000000} {y = 0.9009804864, x = 11.09901951} {y = 0.8210916542, x = 12.17890835} {x = 13.24499800, y = 0.7550020016} {x = 14.30073525, y = 0.6992647456} {x = 15.34846923, y = 0.6515307717} > 1. Is it possible to tell maple to get the order of x,y to be consistent? 2. Is it possible to place this solution into a sort of array so that it can be plotted as y=f(x)? 3. Is there a way to transform this output into any sort of external file? (xml, spreadsheet, even text file with a delimiter to separate the columns would be just fine) thanks in advance
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