Question: problem loading new package

I've been at it a year, but this is my first attempt to write and use a package. I wrote a module with an exported package and tested it within the worksheet in which I wrote it. I defined the file path with _liblist and both the binary and the source file appeared where I wanted them. I cut and pasted the same path information in attempting to load the program. So I am wondering why it didn't load. I'm using Maple 10.03 on OS X 10.3.9. ********************************************** file "MyMatrices" ********************************************** MyMatrices := module() description "routines for matrices"; export exchangeRows; option package; exchangeRows := proc (m, cols, r1, r2) local temp, col; for col from 1 to cols do temp[col] := m[r2, col]; m[r2, col] := m[r1, col]; m[r1, col] := temp[col]; end do; return m; end proc: end module: A := Matrix(2,2,[[1,0],[0,1]]); Matrix(%id = 6949840) # this worked properly, but doesn't display here with(MyMatrices); [exchangeRows] A1 := exchangeRows(A,2,1,2); Matrix(%id = 6949840) # this worked properly, but doesn't display here mylibrary := `/Users/gary/bin/maple/myLibrary/`: _liblist := [ mylibrary ]: save MyMatrices, cat(`mylibrary`,`MyMatrices.m`); save MyMatrices, cat(`mylibrary`,`src/MyMatrices`); ******************************************************* file "" ******************************************************* mylibrary := `/Users/gary/bin/maple/myLibrary/`: _liblist := [ mylibrary ]: with(MyMatrices); Error, (in with) invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, pname, to be of type {package, module}, but received MyMatrices
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