Question: Please I need help...

Hi everybody

I want to plot the piecewise function:

f(x)={ -1<=x<=0,-1<=y<=0,  x+y

0<x>1, 0< y <1, 3xy

I write en maple:

k := proc (x, y) if -1 <= x and x <= 0 and -1 <= y and y <= 0 then x^2+y^2 else if 0 <= x and x <= 1 and 0 <= y and y <= 1 then 3*x*y end if end if end proc;


plot3d(k, x = -1 .. 1, y = -1 .. 1);

the PC's send me this message:

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct

But nothing appears... what's the matter with these instructions?


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