Ali Guzel

Mr. Ali Guzel

70 Reputation

5 Badges

17 years, 342 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ali Guzel

@Robert Israel 


This is a classic of OR problem...  Dr. Robert does it without decomposition... Bravo


like this:


Cplex is very good at binary/integer problems. Academic version available


I see Sir, there are things that I should learn from you... Thanks


Cheers to Dr. Venkat Subramanian and Dr. Acer


This one is the best !

I still think that MapleSoft should update

        use RealDomain in solve(eq,x,explicit) end use   ## lacking some of the roots


Acknowledgement: The procedure allroots is a modification of one written by:

Robert Israel, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2 

On the link below allroots worksheet seem to work robustly..

I still could not understand why

use RealDomain in solve(eq,x,explicit) end use   ## lacking some of the roots

gives partial answer intead of 22 roots as I showed at the top of this discussion...

@Ali Guzel  

I am using maple 2018 also have maple 2021

it says it is corrupted

There is no problem with your code syntax




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