Adam Ledger

Mr. Adam Ledger

360 Reputation

11 Badges

8 years, 355 days
Perth, Australia

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MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Adam Ledger

I have noticed that there exists a Stack Exchange site for mathematica, and not for maple. My discussions with the part of Stack Exchange that handle the creation of a new Stack Exchange community have said that I must accrue a certain level of interest in the subject in order for it to be approved, and so I thought I would begin here to see if there is suffice level of interest.

This would not diminish the use of the Maple Primes forum, and an additional proposal, in consideration of the years of dedication that have gone into this domain, be to pool the data between the two, make reputation points the same on both, perhaps even user profiles and questions answered already linkable, and all of the questions already addressed here showing up in the search on both domains.

I am proposing this simply because I want to encourage the use of maple, and have noted that Stack Exchange is very popular. 

So I am posting this to get overall feedback from other Maple users, as to what their opinion is regarding this proposal, and advice on whether it should and how it ought to be pursued.

In as much as the embedded component suite is a brilliant tool for the custom design of online educational programs, student tests, etc, my purposes are orientated around encouraging and assisting of self directed investigation, with the utilization of the packages of maple, but in a manner that allows the user to neglect the requirement to have any knowledge of maple code itself, allowing them to focus entirely on their discipline of choice. 

So because the content the user will enter into the interface I am designing is naturally going to be quite variant from individual to individual, one of the  necessary properties that does not exist is for the math containers to have the option of being resizeable at the discretion of the user.

At the moment, I have added buttons that allow the user to resize the window by pressing one of four buttons entitled "increase height". "decrease height", "increase width" and "decrease height". This will suffice for my first working prototype but i just feel that it would be much neater if it were possible to resize the math component directly, and some option of the neighbouring embedded components to either shift their position accordingly, or maintain rectilinear alignment with the greater proportion of other components by all embedded components shifting accordingly when one math container is resized.


I just feel that if at least one person less experienced than me reads this it will be a worth while post, because it will help them avoid things that eluded me when I was younger.


The omitted function definitions are not relevant to the reason for which I decided to post about this. I would like the maple user to simply observe how many variables are involved in the relation's (R) three equalities in the consideration of the output.


The reason I believe this is important, is that it is sometimes very easy to believe induction is sufficient proof of the truth value of a relation over the superset of a subset that has been enumerated, much like the example of the coefficients of the
"105^(th) cyclotomic polynomial if one were to inductively reason statements about the coeffiecents of the previous 104 polynomials."



A[n, k, M] = abs(C[0](n, k, M))/abs(C[1](n, k, M)); B[n, k, M] = abs(C[0](n, k, M))/abs(C[2](n, k, M)); E[n, k, M] = abs(C[1](n, k, M))/abs(C[2](n, k, M))


"`𝓃`(A[n,k,M])=`𝓃`(B[n,k,M]), `𝓃`(E[n,k,M])=`𝒹`(A[n,k,M]),`𝒹`(B[n,k,M])=`𝒹`(E[n,k,M])]"

for t to 7 do R(t, 2, 30) end do

[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 1, 1 = 1, 1 = 1]


[1 = 11^(1/2)*7^(1/2), 11^(1/2)*7^(1/2) = 1, 7 = 7]






It has come to my attention that Alan Baker has recently passed away, and not being of an institutional affliation it was some what late in me finding out.

But his work was of huge inspiration to me, so I felt as if it should be noted how brilliant this man was, and how much he ought to be missed be the mathematical community at large.



I study mainly subjects that fall under umbrella of number theory, but i have specified a little further in the worksheet. This is really a request for assistance, because in as much as i have met so many brilliant people online via social media etc,  I would always love to meet more, and especially ones who are more experienced in this field. 


Basically i am too cheap and old to think about going to a good university, so I am trying to get free advice from the people who have probably completed doctorates in the relevant field. Got to be honest I say.


Anyway my contact email is at the top of the attached worksheet.


First thing that stood out to me about the distributions produced in this worksheet is how sparse the number of points is for N=17 relative to all the other values of N.


Edit: Another example worksheet added.

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