Adam Ledger

Mr. Adam Ledger

360 Reputation

11 Badges

8 years, 330 days
Perth, Australia

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MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Adam Ledger

Hi, I bought the linuix 64 installation, and prior to doing so I read that I would have two installations, and so I have proceeded to replace my windows OS on my computer of highest processing power, after a successful install on my laptop, however when I attempted to activate my second installation it returned the message that I have already used all of my activations. If worse comes to worse, I need to uninstall maple2020 on this laptop, . and use my one activationon the other machine. What do I do?

I am trying to use the command FileTools[Text][ReadFile] to import the contents of a text file as a string in maple, but I want to be able to identify when line breaks occur, instead of the white space that I get.

Is this possible?

In some coordinate systems availiable in the plot command, there are constants specified symbollically, for example,for logarithmic, the constant "a" is specified (see ?coords help page) is there a simple way to retreve the numerical value for these transformation parameters, or does it need to be obtained by appropriate manipulation of the data set?

How can this alteration occur by itself and what is the point of doing so? How do I change it back to $\cup$ and $\cap$?

In my worksheet today my intention was to compare the least squares linear regression for three datasets as indicated, but when I right click on the output as seen in the bottom line to select the plot type, all options state there to be independant variables K[0] and K[1], where as the output displays only the variable K as I intended, which part of my code is creating this confusion for maple?




Worksheet Specific Investigation Content


S[0] := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; map(simplify, {seq(seq(seq(piecewise((a^`ϕ`(b))^(1/(c+1))-floor((a^`ϕ`(b))^(1/(c+1))) = 0, [a, b, c], NULL), a = 1 .. N), b = 1 .. N), c = 1 .. K)}, 'radical') end proc

T := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; {seq(seq(seq([a, b, c], a = 1 .. N), b = 1 .. N), c = 1 .. K)} end proc:

S[1] := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; `minus`(T(N, K), S[0](N, K)) end proc:

CardRatio := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; nops(S[0](N, K))/nops(S[1](N, K)) end proc:

{CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(2, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K), CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(3, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K), CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(4, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K)}

{1, 44268857/45401356-(532409481/9988298320)*K, 24308311919/13309971675-(135902619982/773879781675)*K}










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