Alex Smith

630 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Alex Smith

If you use polar coordinates, you can smartly work outside the singularity.

We have x=R*cos(theta), y=R*sin(theta), and z=1/R^2.



The wikipedia page for mathtype indictates that latex can be entered directly into mathtype. So use Maple to generate latex code for your equations.


> latex(Int(x^x,x))


Of course Maple's latex command is in serious need of polish, but that's another story.

Any group G acts on any set X trivially. You map G to Aut(X) by sending each g in G to the identity automorphism. So you probably need to sharpen your question.

If G is a group of order 12 then the number of Sylow 3 subgroups is 1 or 4. If it is 4, then G acts transitively on this set of 4 subgroups, and it turns out G is isomorphic to A4. If there is one Sylow 3 subgroup, then it is normal so G acts on this subgroup by conjugation.  This gives a map from G to S3, which is a subgroup of S4, hence an action of G on a set of size 4--one of the four objects being acted on trivially.

It is straightforward to find a linear transformation (matrix) that takes the vectors A-D, B-D, C-D to the <1,0,0>, <0,1,0>, <0,0,1>. This transforms the tetrahedron to the one defined by x+y+z<1 with x, y, z positive.


Apply the transformation to the vector P-D to get vector P'. It is easy to check if P' is in the transformed tetrahedron.

Another approach is to convert the coefficients to rational numbers before integrating:


int(F,x=0..2); evalf(%);

0.1471400297 x 10^8


This is an old problem that does not get fixed

Another possibility:

> Dirac(0):=a;

> h := sum(Dirac(i-1), i = 1 .. f);

> eval(subs(f=3,h));

Are u(0.25) and u(0.16) prescribed? If so, you could split this up into 3 separate boundary value problems: one on 0..0.16, another on 0.16..0.25, and another on 0.25..1 and then use dsolve(**, numeric). You should not expect the global solution to be differentiable at the two interior points.

If u(0.25) and u(0.16) are not prescribed, then your problem is not well-posed. Your ode is then u''+const+ uu'=0 and you need to prescribe the value of const before you can expect a unique solution. There is a simple solution when const=0.

You can solve your equation for Vb to get a function Vb(ph). You can then use the inverse function theorem to calculate diff(ph(Vb),Vb) since you can calculate diff(Vb(ph),ph).

Notice the second graph below reproduces the implicitplot of eq.

> F:=solve(eq,Vb);VB:=unapply(F,ph);
> VB(3.8):
> plot(VB(ph),ph=3.8..11.75);
> plot([VB(ph),ph,ph=3.8..11.75]);

It is not clear if you want n to be an integer. Assuming it is a continuous variable, you can go as follows:





plot([[-4.0, -.9578167936e-1], [-3.9, -.8494791039e-1], [-3.8, -.7005156279e-1], [-3.7, -.5163127829e-1], [-3.6, -.3039518579e-1], [-3.5, -.7196324036e-2], [-3.4, .1699875337e-1], [-3.3, .4114712931e-1], [-3.2, .6417111210e-1], [-3.1, .8500272969e-1], [-3.0, .1026294380], [-2.9, .1161392569], [-2.8, .1247635191], [-2.7, .1279154537], [-2.6, .1252229474], [-2.5, .1165539919], [-2.4, .1020335777], [-2.3, .8205108334e-1], [-2.2, .5725754762e-1], [-2.1, .2855258713e-1], [-2.0, -.2938894134e-2], [-1.9, -.3589965868e-1], [-1.8, -.6886182793e-1], [-1.7, -.1002560296], [-1.6, -.1284663982], [-1.5, -.1518895612], [-1.4, -.1689955423], [-1.3, -.1783883808], [-1.2, -.1788642188], [-1.1, -.1694646355], [-1.0, -.1495231270], [-.9, -.1187028211], [-.8, -.7702378972e-1], [-.7, -.2487865601e-1], [-.6, .3696441295e-1], [-.5, .1073718057], [-.4, .1848676727], [-.3, .2676697854], [-.2, .3537371268], [-.1, .4408278562], [0., .5265658849], [.1, .6085139588], [.2, .6842508684], [.3, .7514502084], [.4, .8079580035], [.5, .8518665080], [.6, .8815815596], [.7, .8958810624], [.8, .8939624200], [.9, .8754771037], [1.0, .8405509547], [1.1, .7897892843], [1.2, .7242663624], [1.3, .6454994081], [1.4, .5554077387], [1.5, .4562582533], [1.6, .3505989166], [1.7, .2411823348], [1.8, .1308818844], [1.9, .2260313947e-1], [2.0, -.8080647545e-1], [2.1, -.1766467857], [2.2, -.2624497190], [2.3, -.3360570310], [2.4, -.3956882476], [2.5, -.4399964868], [2.6, -.4681102271], [2.7, -.4796595564], [2.8, -.4747859726], [2.9, -.4541353527], [3.0, -.4188343060], [3.1, -.3704506784], [3.2, -.3109395431], [3.3, -.2425765001], [3.4, -.1678805613], [3.5, -.8952925256e-1], [3.6, -.1026883853e-1], [3.7, .6717725451e-1], [3.8, .1401986810], [3.9, .2063839955], [4.0, .2635991171]])

You need

plot3d(phiX1[i](x1,x2),x1=x2..1-x2,x2=0.. 1);


plot(phiX1[i](x1,x2),x1=x2..1-x2,x2=0.. 1);

Now that I look back, I am pleased to read that this problem was reported to be "fixed" in 2007.


Note: Wolfram Alpha gets this definite integral correct.

You could get away with t_^3/t^2

"Assuming" never really seems to go very far.

For example:

> assume(y::prime);

> is(y,positive);


> is(sqrt(y)>0);


> assume(a::positive);

> is(sqrt(a)>0);


I seem to recall that the documentation says to not load packages as you are doing 


Instead, you should use Statistics[RandomVariable](....)

You are doing this for "Fit" but not for "RandomVariable" and "Sample"

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