
55 Reputation

3 Badges

5 years, 84 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Aliocha


Best wishes for this new year.

Horner's algorithm for polynomials is considered more efficient in terms of the number of operations.
However, numerous comparisons (search for real or complex roots, calculations of hundreds of values...)
with Maple on polynomials of high degrees (10,12...) show, for me, no significant difference in times of execution evaluated with the st-time() command.

Has this point already been covered?
Are there specific situations where using the "horner" conversion is relevant with Maple?

Thank you for your clarification.

Best regards.


How to factor the following polynomial : n*xn - 2*n*x(n - 1) + xn

I can't find a command to write : xn-1*((n+1)*x-2n)

Thank you for your help.

The serie is :Sum(-5*3^(-k - 1)*(x - 2)^k, k = 0 .. infinity)

How to simplify (with collect ? with convert ?...) this expression to get this more "traditionnal" writing :

-5/3*sum(((x - 2)/3^k)^k, k = 0 .. infinity)

Thank you for your help.


I am trying to calculate the Dirichlet integral with the residue theorem and the LineInt command. I use the classic lace (Cf below) and the function exp(iz)/z. I don't understand why the LineInt function returns zero on the top semicircle. The result should depend on r and only be zero for limit(%, R = infinity).

Thanks for your help.

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