
860 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 153 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Anthrazit


I am of course deeply honored by your review, and hope that you'll find this work inspiring for other projects. Maple is a great software package and I couldn't have done this project without the help from the community on MaplePrimes.

The biggest pro in my opinion for an engineer is actually the possibility to have access to all stored values - both input and calculated - after a calculation (of course only if you know how they are stored). Obviously there is a lot of work to do on the documentation side, which I will hopefully will do in the nearest future.

Version 1.1.0 was just released a couple of days ago, with some minor bugfixes and the added functionality of cutting beams by angle.

The package can be downloaded on Github (

Sorry about that, I'll do that next time.

Btw., it isn't possible to delete the post, is it?

Thanks a lot, found it.


Thanks a lot, I managed to modify it to use the working directory instead, and got some results.

However the size of the output seems to be far less than the file size of my library. Any other things that could be responsible for that?

P.S.: If necessary I could drop the source file somewhere.


My experience is really limited, as I only have used it for a couple of days.

As a minus first, it does not show logical errors in the code, undefined variables, and syntax errors like the Maple editor does.

On the plus side it has code colouring, and lists the names of procedures in the code in a side window (if you have the Maple language addin installed). It also has GitHub connection, which makes this part very easy.

Regarding reasons why I came up with this see

( recommendation by one of my daugthers)


I'm not sure where the $include statement is valid, and where it is not.

When trying to put it in the startup code for example that does not seem to work.

But putting it into a Maple Code attachment and read this from the startup code is no problem on the other hand.

Any ideas?


Thanks a lot for your help, I think I'm up and running.

One of my daugthers recommended Visual Studio Code to me, and it looks like there is an addon for Maple syntax highlighting. I've also registered on GitHub, and have committed my first uploads to a repository.

Code is not running yet, but so far it looks very promising.


I've tried different approaches, but I just get "Error, invalid `$` operator" with the $include command.

Could you post a simple maple file which I can download to check what I am doing wrong?

Or is this just working when using the compiler, not the interpreter?


I'd like to add that to a wishlist for future development - add a chapter to the Maple Programming Guide.

How to setup and use a version control system.


Seems like a very interesting approach, but I would need a litte bit more information for implementation.

Does that mean that you are not using the Maple Code Editor either?

Could you provide a simple example on how you do that?


The reason for this is that I have a library module with very many procedures, and I want to split it to different files, so that it easier to work with them. Thus I can open them in different windows and work with them in parallel.

Do I understand that correctly, that

  • each procedure that is defined needs to be unprotected before and after the definition?
  • they need to be listed under ModuleLoad?
  • that z5:-times1 := eval(:-times1) locks the definition and protects it to any future changes
    Does that mean that even if I change the code and rerun the main program, it will not be changed? Or does the unprotect command allow the redefinition?

@Scot Gould 

Yes, I have seen that one.

It was very useful, one can be very glad when the best share their skills.

Would a similar workflow be possible to Maple also?


Probably you guys know what the meaning of " if it had been entered or read from a file" is, but for other users (like me) the meaning of this sentence is not obvious.

I still stand by what I wrote, that the help file should be more specific here.


If that is the case (which I am sure it is), the help file should be updated.

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