3007 Reputation

19 Badges

5 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by C_R

Here is a solution assuming positive by hand. I have replaced the Y... for better readability.
Please check whether the arguments of the cosines are in degrees or radians. You have used radians.

As an alternative to use decimal numbers, you could introduce 3 more parameters for the angles and substitute them in the output of solve (for that use subs or eval).

eqw := Ytotw*(1 + cos(66.696)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylww*x) + sqrt(y*Ypw) + sqrt(Ymw*z));
eqf := Ytotf*(1 + cos(42.497)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylwf*x) + sqrt(y*Ypf) + sqrt(Ymf*z));
eqd := Ytotd*(1 + cos(30.405)) = 2*(sqrt(Ylwd*x) + sqrt(y*Ypd) + sqrt(Ymd*z));
solve([eqw, eqf, eqd], [x, y, z]) assuming positive; # does not work or takes too long

.2498809711*Ytotw = 2*(Ylww*x)^(1/2)+2*(y*Ypw)^(1/2)+2*(Ymw*z)^(1/2)


1.085395047*Ytotf = 2*(Ylwf*x)^(1/2)+2*(y*Ypf)^(1/2)+2*(Ymf*z)^(1/2)


1.531075873*Ytotd = 2*(Ylwd*x)^(1/2)+2*(y*Ypd)^(1/2)+2*(Ymd*z)^(1/2)



{Ylww, Ymw, Ypw, Ytotw, x, y, z, (Ylww*x)^(1/2), (Ymw*z)^(1/2), (y*Ypw)^(1/2)}



{Ylwf, Ymf, Ypf, Ytotf, x, y, z, (Ylwf*x)^(1/2), (Ymf*z)^(1/2), (y*Ypf)^(1/2)}



{Ylwd, Ymd, Ypd, Ytotd, x, y, z, (Ylwd*x)^(1/2), (Ymd*z)^(1/2), (y*Ypd)^(1/2)}


#assuming positve for the parameters in the rhs

eqw := W__1*(1 + cos(66.696))/2 = W__2*sqrt(x) + W__3*sqrt(y) + W__4*sqrt(z);

eqf := F__1*(1 + cos(42.497))/2 = F__2*sqrt(x) + F__3*sqrt(y) + F__4*sqrt(z);

eqd := D__1*(1 + cos(30.405))/2 = D__2*sqrt(x) + D__3*sqrt(y) + D__4*sqrt(z);;

.1249404856*W__1 = W__2*x^(1/2)+W__3*y^(1/2)+W__4*z^(1/2)


.5426975235*F__1 = F__2*x^(1/2)+F__3*y^(1/2)+F__4*z^(1/2)


.7655379365*D__1 = D__2*x^(1/2)+D__3*y^(1/2)+D__4*z^(1/2)


solve([eqw, eqf, eqd], [x, y, z]) ;

[[x = 0.1000000000e-19*(7655379365.*D__1*F__3*W__4-7655379365.*D__1*F__4*W__3-5426975235.*D__3*F__1*W__4+1249404856.*D__3*F__4*W__1+5426975235.*D__4*F__1*W__3-1249404856.*D__4*F__3*W__1)^2/(D__2*F__3*W__4-1.*D__2*F__4*W__3-1.*D__3*F__2*W__4+D__3*F__4*W__2+D__4*F__2*W__3-1.*D__4*F__3*W__2)^2, y = 0.1000000000e-19*(7655379365.*D__1*F__2*W__4-7655379365.*F__4*W__2*D__1-5426975235.*D__2*F__1*W__4+1249404856.*F__4*W__1*D__2+5426975235.*D__4*F__1*W__2-1249404856.*D__4*F__2*W__1)^2/(D__2*F__3*W__4-1.*D__2*F__4*W__3-1.*D__3*F__2*W__4+D__3*F__4*W__2+D__4*F__2*W__3-1.*D__4*F__3*W__2)^2, z = 0.1000000000e-19*(7655379365.*F__2*W__3*D__1-7655379365.*F__3*W__2*D__1-5426975235.*D__2*F__1*W__3+1249404856.*W__1*D__2*F__3+5426975235.*D__3*F__1*W__2-1249404856.*D__3*F__2*W__1)^2/(D__2*F__3*W__4-1.*D__2*F__4*W__3-1.*D__3*F__2*W__4+D__3*F__4*W__2+D__4*F__2*W__3-1.*D__4*F__3*W__2)^2]]



Download solve_with_decimal.mw

Maple provides a command for functional differentiation.


f := Int(p(w)*q(w)-lambda*q(w)^rho, w = 0 .. n)

Int(p(w)*q(w)-lambda*q(w)^rho, w = 0 .. n)




Int(p(omega)*q(omega)-lambda*q(omega)^rho, omega = 0 .. n)


# following eq 25 and 26 from ?Physics,Fundiff




# functional derivative value at w

simplify(%) assuming w<n



# functionald derivative value at w=n





Personally I feel much more comfortable interpreting the results in answers from @Rouben Rostamian and @mmcdara but maybe this is what you are looking for.

Download mw_fundiff.mw

It works flawless with 2021 and 2022. I assume that recent sincos simplifcations have introduced this regression.

Needs to be reported, IMO

With my 2024.2 version (Physics version installed in this computer is 1831 created 2024, November 21, 11:42 hours Pacific Time) the below worked


What you are looking for is a kind of memory dump and restore. I am not aware of such an option but did you know that output with an equation label is available without executing the worksheet?

If not try the following:

Do not execute the worksheet



a := 1

Type here "a"NULL

Type here crtl-l and 1

Download GUI_Output.mw

I have tried

sumpro := proc(i) local a, b; a := rand(1 .. 10)(); b := rand(1 .. 10)(); print("Sum of ", a, " and ", b, " is ", a + b); end proc;
Error, (in Printer:-Print) invalid input: Printer:-Function:-Get expects its 1st argument, fname, to be of type string, but received CodeGeneration:-Names:-Name("rand")

Looks like that CodeGeneration:-CSharp cannot translate Maple library function rand to C#

You could try LLMs. Note that i is not used in your code. You can remove it.

Chat CPT:

using System;

class Program
    static void SumPro(int i)
        // Generate random numbers between 1 and 10
        Random random = new Random();
        int a = random.Next(1, 11); // Upper bound is exclusive, so use 11 for 1 to 10
        int b = random.Next(1, 11);

        // Print the sum
        Console.WriteLine($"Sum of {a} and {b} is {a + b}");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        SumPro(0); // Example usage with a dummy parameter


using System;

public class MapleToCSharp
    public static void SumPro(int i)
        Random rand = new Random(); // Create a Random object outside the loop for better randomness
        int a = rand.Next(1, 11); // Generates random integers between 1 (inclusive) and 11 (exclusive), i.e., 1 to 10
        int b = rand.Next(1, 11);

        Console.WriteLine($"Sum of {a} and {b} is {a + b}"); // Use string interpolation for cleaner output

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Example usage (equivalent to calling sumpro(i) in Maple):
        SumPro(0); // The 'i' parameter isn't actually used in the Maple code, so we can pass any value.
        SumPro(1); // Call it again to show it generates different random numbers each time

I have added a few (t) to some variables in the equations of your worksheet.
The equations were in non executable mode. I changed that to executable and applied dsolve to the equations.

Below is the solution. Since you have not given initial conditions for the variables, the solution contains integration constants c__i. Maple cannot solve the second differential equation symbolically and returns the equation unchanged. This does not mean that there is no such solution. It simply means that Maple does not provide such a solution. You have to give initial conditions for the variables, numerical values for the parameters of the equation and solve numerically with dsolve.


diff(Q1(t), t) = -k1*Q1(t)

diff(Q1(t), t) = -k1*Q1(t)



diff(Q2(t), t) = k1*Q1(t)+k3/Q2(t)-k2*Q2(t)-k4*Q2(t)

diff(Q2(t), t) = k1*Q1(t)+k3/Q2(t)-k2*Q2(t)-k4*Q2(t)



diff(Q3(t), t) = k4*Q2(t)

diff(Q3(t), t) = k4*Q2(t)



diff(Q4(t), t) = k2*Q2(t)-k3/Q2(t)

diff(Q4(t), t) = k2*Q2(t)-k3/Q2(t)



dsolve({diff(Q1(t), t) = -k1*Q1(t), diff(Q2(t), t) = k1*Q1(t)+k3/Q2(t)-k2*Q2(t)-k4*Q2(t), diff(Q3(t), t) = k4*Q2(t), diff(Q4(t), t) = k2*Q2(t)-k3/Q2(t)})

[{Q1(t) = c__3*exp(-k1*t)}, {diff(Q2(t), t) = (k1*Q1(t)*Q2(t)-k4*Q2(t)^2-k2*Q2(t)^2+k3)/Q2(t)}, {Q3(t) = Int(k4*Q2(t), t)+c__2}, {Q4(t) = Int((k2*Q2(t)^2-k3)/Q2(t), t)+c__1}]



Download System_Of_Differential_Equations_reply.mw

An example would be helpfull. Other users could compare the perfomance of your system to their system.

To start you can compare your system to this one (i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz):

f := sin(x + y) - exp(x)*y = 0:
g := x^2 - y = 2:
CodeTools:-Usage(fsolve( {f, g}, {x = -1..1, y = -2..0} ));

memory used=7.79MiB, alloc change=33.00MiB, cpu time=94.00ms, real time=87.00ms, gc time=0ns

A recent processor model i9-13900H 2.6 GHz ("high" performance mobile) is about 3 times faster in cpu time. You will not get much more speed on a laptop.

The graphics card is probably not used for your problem. You can check in task manager for GPU usage.

Q1: Your setup looks good, however for a better overview on the structure of the problem it is helpfull to replace all subexpression that do not depend on the unkowns lambda[i] by new parameters (new names). Do denom(eq1) for example to see what we are dealing with. These are big expressions.

Q2: Ok

Q3:Yes, see Q1. You can for example use innert operators when defining the equations

pTRw:=((p%^T) %. R) %. w

In this case I would not use the assignemt operator (":=") to define p, R, w. Use equations for later substitution/evaluation like p=...

Concerning the problem:

You want to solve a system of polynominal equations. The equations are of 4th degree. Try for all equations and unknowns the following to investigate:


As you posed the problem Maple assumes all parameters complex. This adds, besides the size of the equations, an addtional burden to Maple. It could be that there are symbolic solutions in the complex domain but Maple has to investigate many cases. This takes time.

Therefore, reducing the complexity of the problem by using assumptions and upfront simplification of the equations helps allot.

Maybe a soluton by hand is possible but for that we have to see the structure of the equations in the first place

Here are some more but not all solutions.
To find at least some non-trival solutions, I have attached a way to reduce the number of equations from 8 to 4. This was possible because your system of equations has a sparse structure (i.e. not all equations depend on all unknows -> see the white gaps).

It is now much easiere to find some non-trivial solutions for the remaining unknowns

It also looks like that for x5=0 and x7=0 any real value for x1 and x4 is allowed.

For an extended search of solutions I have to hand over to someone more gifted in using fsolve and other rootfinding tools of Maple. If you do not know ranges with roots you can deduce them from the attachement.
I hope this is a good start.


Compact display seems to prevent rendering of partial differentials. Attached is a version that does not use compact display but alias instead.

I have attached a second version that resolves the issue with varphi not beeing rendered compact



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.2, Windows 10, October 29 2024 Build ID 1872373`





macro(Av = A_(x, y, z, t), `&vartheta;` = `&varphi;`(x, y, z, t), Vv = v_(x, y, z, t), Fv = F_(x, y, z, t))

show, ON, OFF, kd_, ep_, Av, vartheta, Vv, Fv



alias(A__x=A__x(x, y, z, t),A__y=A__y(x, y, z, t),A__z=A__z(x, y, z, t),v__y=v__y(x, y, z, t),v__z=v__z(x, y, z, t)); # does not work for varphi

A__x, A__y, A__z, v__y, v__z



Fv = q*('-VectorCalculus[Nabla](`&vartheta;`)'-(diff(Av, t))+`&x`(Vv, `&x`(VectorCalculus[Nabla], Av)))

F_(x, y, z, t) = q*(-Physics:-Vectors:-Nabla(varphi(x, y, z, t))-(diff(A_(x, y, z, t), t))+Physics:-Vectors:-`&x`(v_(x, y, z, t), Physics:-Vectors:-Curl(A_(x, y, z, t))))


Av = A__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+A__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+A__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, Vv = v__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+v__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+v__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, F_(x, y, z, t) = F__x*_i+F__y*_j+F__z*_k

A_(x, y, z, t) = A__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+A__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+A__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, v_(x, y, z, t) = v__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+v__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+v__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, F_(x, y, z, t) = F__x*_i+F__y*_j+F__z*_k


subs[eval](A_(x, y, z, t) = A__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+A__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+A__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, v_(x, y, z, t) = v__x(x, y, z, t)*_i+v__y(x, y, z, t)*_j+v__z(x, y, z, t)*_k, F_(x, y, z, t) = F__x*_i+F__y*_j+F__z*_k, F_(x, y, z, t) = q*(-Physics[Vectors][Nabla](varphi(x, y, z, t))-(diff(A_(x, y, z, t), t))+Physics[Vectors][`&x`](v_(x, y, z, t), Physics[Vectors][Curl](A_(x, y, z, t)))))

F__x*_i+F__y*_j+F__z*_k = q*(-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))*_i-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), y))*_j-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), z))*_k-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t))*_i-(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), t))*_j-(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), t))*_k+(-v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))+v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x))+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*_i+(-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), z))+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), y))+v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))-v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)))*_j+(v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), z))-v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), y))-v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))+v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*_k)


map(Component, F__x*_i+F__y*_j+F__z*_k = q*(-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))*_i-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), y))*_j-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), z))*_k-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t))*_i-(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), t))*_j-(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), t))*_k+(-v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))+v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x))+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*_i+(-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), z))+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), y))+v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))-v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)))*_j+(v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), z))-v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), y))-v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))+v__x(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*_k), 1)

F__x = -v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))*q+v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x))*q+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))*q-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z))*q-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))*q-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t))*q


collect(F__x = -v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y))*q+v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x))*q+v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x))*q-v__z(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z))*q-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))*q-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t))*q, [q, v__x(x, y, z, t), v__y(x, y, z, t), v__z(x, y, z, t)])

F__x = (v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y)))+(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*v__z(x, y, z, t)-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t)))*q


convert(F__x = (v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y)))+(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*v__z(x, y, z, t)-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t)))*q, Diff)

F__x = (v__y(x, y, z, t)*(Diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)-(Diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y)))+(Diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x)-(Diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*v__z(x, y, z, t)-(Diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))-(Diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t)))*q



convert(F__x = (v__y(x, y, z, t)*(diff(A__y(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), y)))+(diff(A__z(x, y, z, t), x)-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), z)))*v__z(x, y, z, t)-(diff(varphi(x, y, z, t), x))-(diff(A__x(x, y, z, t), t)))*q, D)

F__x = (v__y(x, y, z, t)*((D[1](A__y))(x, y, z, t)-(D[2](A__x))(x, y, z, t))+((D[1](A__z))(x, y, z, t)-(D[3](A__x))(x, y, z, t))*v__z(x, y, z, t)-(D[1](varphi))(x, y, z, t)-(D[4](A__x))(x, y, z, t))*q



Download error_display-2.mw


Partial derivative of a summation: why it is not just 2*`X__i`?

Answer: The output of Maple is correct because you differentiated for all i from 1 to n. How can Maple know which i you are interested in? If you expect only 2*X__i as output the information about the range for i from 1 to n is lost.

` `*`Partial derivative of a double summation: how to define the nested structure of a double summation where j<>i?`

Answer: B__wrong is correct. Maple only automatically simplified it. You can use Sum instead of sum to prevent this

` `*`System of n equations: how to define and solve for it?`

You must give n a number. Example for n=m=5

A := sum(X[i]^2, i = 1 .. n);
eqs:=seq(diff(eval(A = 0,n=j),X[j]),j=1..m);
vars := seq(X[i], i = 1 .. m);
solve({eqs}, {vars})
                             m := 5

                               )       2
                        A :=  /    X[i] 
                             i = 1      

eqs := 2 X[1] = 0, 2 X[2] = 0, 2 X[3] = 0, 2 X[4] = 0, 2 X[5] = 0

              vars := X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4], X[5]

       {X[1] = 0, X[2] = 0, X[3] = 0, X[4] = 0, X[5] = 0}

What you experience are numerical integrations errors.

method=rosenbrock gives a slightly deceasing energy.

Forward Euler is in this respect particulary bad (and maybe instructive for your students). I came accross a similar behaviour when exloring solver settings in MapleSim