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These are replies submitted by C_R

@Carl Love 

I did not know that a Matrix is also an expression (parameter x of seq).

The evalapply application is something I missed completely. ?evalapply would have been helpfull when I tried to understand the ()() construct. It seems to be impossible to find this help page with a search term. "{" and "[" direct in the right direction but there is nothing for "(" from where a "See Also" could link to pages dealing with function application or round brakets/parentheses. These brackets play an important role in Maple Language but somehow do not seem to fit under the help topics.   

Thank you

@Carl Love 

Interesting way. Is that explained on ?seq or elsewhere?


On the search for easier ways, I was wondering if a recursive expand could make sense. Something like


Similar to eval['recurse'].

(I would prefer expand because it is more specific than simplify.)

op, with all its drawbacks, is at least easy to get something done and easy to remember.


I do not get the error with Maple 2024.1. Which version of Maple do you use?

I would be interested in the invariant you intend to use to test solutions. The invariant could be used to test the symbolic solution below as well

pdsolve({pde, v(a, t) = 0, v(b, t) = 0, v(x, 0) = f(x + 5), D[2](v)(x, 0) = -eval(diff(f(x), x), x = x + 5)})

You could of course use this solution, which is independed from any physical context, for tests as well.


Correct. Probes could be a way to plot variables over time. However:

Probes connect to ports of components. In the case of  a sphere contact only two variables are exportet: dummy (which gives an error) and R which is the radius of the sphere.

But probes are only for plotting. If forces are used for computations within the model (e.g. for a controller) they must be  measured. For such purposes special measuring componets are available but they are not compatible with the ports of a contact element.

The model tree provides an overwelming number of parameters and variables for a contact element but I have not clue how to access this programatically (and what these parameters and variables stand for).



Not that I know. I tried a few things using right click.

@acer Got it. Thank you!

I had the idea to plot an array inside an array that contains the caption. plots:-display does not allow this.
The best I can think of in keeping a caption and a plot array together is using a table.

Is that an option for you?

Unfortuneately such a table cannot be exported as jpg.

Looks like that you ask for a missing feature.



This makes sense but I still don't fully understand why in my document, after entering the second time Digits:=30, "is" did not remember the former result with Digits:=10?


You forgot to call libraries and the Eigenvalues were complex. See:


@Carl Love 

A use case in plot without workaround is zooming, panning and switching between these mode. In plot3d this is be switching the manipulator.

@one man 

Yes, I don't know of any translator who translates a scientific text (containing mathematical expressions) with the required exactness.

If you can recommend one, I would give it a try on a publication that preferably also contains contextual information. There is story behind every invention/development.


I still get an error. That's where I stopped debugging: equation915_debug.mw

@one man 

Unfortunately, I cannot read russian.

My primary interest is to find a place for this method on the map of root finding. I assume that there are many root finding methods (starting with Newton) that use gradients. (Or the classification root finding is not appropriate. After all, as a curious math amateur I cannot decide.)

Often, if something is usefull (and I think it is), there are more than one inventors/developers that came up with the same approach. In this case either Draghilev has never made it on the radar of a math historian who could tell us who was first, or there are alternative methods providing same results which are as easy to use for a particular class of problems.

I asked LLM's about a mathematician called Draghilev but did not get an answer. It seems that he was not well reflected in training data sets. If the method is mentionned in literature there must have been reasons to publish. What was the motivation behind? In which context did the method emerge and why is it not more widely known? Could it be that Draghilev is not a person? What is the connection to a certain A.B. Ivanov?

You might as well be interested in the answers I got here

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