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These are replies submitted by Christopher2222

@tomleslie Ok thanks.  Sorry yes I did set it to Maple, really sorry about the confusion. BTW I actually mentioned MapleFlow near the end. 

However, because of the alternatives I hope that doesn't mean the long form will not be adressed since technically it should work as stated in the help file.

@Will_iii that information is only available in Maple.  You can't access the maple help file through MapleFlow.  I'm guessing you don't have a version of Maple available. 

@tomleslie so yes the alternatives for Maple will work.  However for MapleFlow, none of those solutions will work.

Samir in the adjacent qustion provided a single line solution for MapleFlow.  evalf(ScientificConstants:-Constant(c))

@Samir Khan Great thanks!

So the way around is to use the GetConstant which does work


Actually in MapleFlow, this only works if a variable is first assigned to ScientificConstants[GetConstant](g)[3]

Interesting.  My idea was to not have to type = to evaluate, where enter would make the happen automatically.  As we know <tab> is a way out of a container without evaluation. 

Places for improvements

So I picked out a few quirks I've found while using MapleFlow 2022

1 - CRTL + SHIFT + arrow is supposed to move the container 1 pixel.  Only works left and right, not up and down.

2 - Containers, when selected with the mouse, the button has to be held while pressing delete to delete.  I mentioned earlier the container had to be moved slightly, but that is not necessary.

3- Horizontal alignment between math and text containers are slightly off.  It looks like in the 2021 video on MapleFlow the alignment is ok so this could be a regression.

4 - Containers are always snapped to a grid point, they are not always placed exactly where you leave them.

5 - Can't just copy and paste a drawing from a Maple Canvas (As a side improvement for maple - to be able to draw an angle between two lines exactly at a specific angle, and also to be able to dimension lines to specific lengths)

One thing that is different or takes getting used to is adding the = sign for evaluation.

I find I always expect an evaluation after typing an equation in, forgetting that I need the = sign.  However I see the logic that when you write an equation on paper, the = is present.  To make it better it could be automatic, press enter to evaluate just like Maple.  And use tab to exit the container when one is just interested in the expression.

update.  After some time it does appear to work.  But there is a lag period where no plots can be moved.

added - ok that was in haste.  If I click on another equation box then plots become moveable.

Both hide commands and show commands will render plot boxes unmoveable until you click into another equation box.

I must say when this first came out I didn't really see a use for it, but then I was mostly focused on the pandemic and not much of anything else so I didn't really look into it.  It's grown on me since, then I had a chance to check out some introduction videos and also had a fleeting moment to try it out as someone at work had it on their laptop. 

Pretty cool.  Of course any new maple release or product is like Christmas.  I immediately thought this is similar to i-pads noteability except with advanced math autocalculation abilities. 

One improvement I thought could be an option to change the grid size, so that equations could snap to more precise locations, but in the larger scheme of things it's probably not necessary.  However it quickly reminded me of AutoCAD, so I started looking for drawing tools which I didn't find any.  Perhaps simple AutoCAD like drawings could be implemented to be drawn within mapleflow in the future?

The other discovery was that the equal sign must be presented at the end to evaluate the expression, even with the plot command.  That is not so bad, at least once I got used to it.  I thought maybe an option could be there to make it invisible - and there is, in a round-a-bout way.  Just have to change to font color of the = to the background color.  Same workaround for the plot command and the actual plot - if you wanted some whitespace between the command and the plot you could easily change the font color to become invisible.

All in all looks really good!

@ Brian Hanley

Now I'm not sure if this is similar to your situation, but the other day I noticed (on a newly disconnected Win7 system) the IE explorer welcome start page was open in the background.  Things in maple were slow to execute, then performed normally when I closed the internet explorer window.  I will have to double check to confirm that.

Secondly whenever a bubble opens up on the task bar at least for Maple12 Maple slows down.  I think this occured for Maple 18.  I don't think I noticed this behaviour in 2022 but I haven't had enough time to play around yet.  

@Carl Love so I came across this while working on a simple little project.  Nothing to do with the math more so than just the layout using Maple.

In the back of a Calculus textbook there is a tearout page with formulas, which is where the tan(-1)(x) came to be in this form.

I was perplexed when answers to my post showed the expansion differently as well.  Why does 2-d maple treat that differently than Maple's 1-d input? I don't know.  I tend to always use Maples 2d input.  However it does look like the series formula was meant to be an arctan.  But why did the author choose to show it as tan^(-1)?  Probably his convention of choice.

Regarding transcribing it into mapleprimes, I just typed it in (no copy/paste) and snipped out the answer from 2d Maple.


Are the values generated within your procedure?  Or is your precedure reading or pulling data from a source?

Please provide a small example. 

@Dave09 Please post your problem.  I see a post of yours way back in 2016 to which Roman Pearce has replied.  However since you've since contacted Maplesoft support, it looks like you may have a new problem. 

Can you please post your problem in a seperate post.  Since 2016 we've had a few phenomenal mapleprimers join and of course the expert crew throughout the ages that may not have had a chance at your issues.  But I see 2016 has been your latest post, no testing of the mapleprimes support crew with any new problems you might have had since then and yet you suggest issued with Maple 2020 and 2021.  Posting your issues here might gain you more support and build up more of an argument and evidence for Maplesoft to work with. 

I never realized Albert Einstein's birthday was on Pi day, that's pretty neat.  

I have heard some carpenters use the 22/7 approximation which is accurate to 2 decimal places and usually more than accurate enough for their needs.  I found it amazing that Babylonians approximated Pi as 3 and the Egyptians using Pi approximation as 3.14.  Of course at the time they diddn't know more.  

A lesser known approximation with even better accuracy is the fraction 355/113 accurate to 6 decimal places.  Although, remembering that or simply remembering 3.141592 seems to be just as easy.  However 3.14159265 rolls off the tongue just as easy and is even easier to remember.

Apparently NASA uses Pi to 15 decimal places.  At least that was a common answer they gave to questioning individuals.  During number crunching using computers I find it hard to believe they would truncate Pi at 15 decimal places.  

I started looking around to see if there was an algorithm that would find digits of Pi without having to carry all the previous digit calculations.  Turns out an algorithm exists but only in hexadecimal, known as the BBP formula discovered in 1995 by David Bailey, Peter Borwein and Simon Plouffe (can't paste formula in at the moment).  Unfortunately there's no analogy in decimal form, but it is argued that the amount of power required to determine those digits require just as much energy in calculating normally.


There's probably a few ways these deleted posts could be handled.  I agree that if a post contains legitamate content or contributable content it should not be deleted.  Or if at least 3 moderators have agreed to have it deleted as long as there are no counter votes, with a debatable reason, for having it deleted.

A tag could be applied to a post/question stating that "User A" has requested content be deleted with reason, say for example "this is a duplicate" etc..  

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