
5870 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 219 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christopher2222

So sometime from now and in the next couple of weeks.

@opus64 Prebens 3rd solution is the way to go, select a single term to isolate and just add the others. 

@Phuocminh94 system(cls); will clear the screen.

**edit add** followed by using the restart; command to reset everything.  In older maple versions gc(); was for garbage collection and cleared out the memory - maple became more efficient in doing so in more recent versions so gc() become mostly unnecessary.

@Phuocminh94 Try using sin(x) instead of just sin

I get an error as well


Error, no plot device driver for plotdevice=colorchar

edit**** It appears colorchar doesn't appear in the help so it is not supported in 2018. 

@acer Thanks.  Indeed they are! 

@vv Good enough then, nuff said, case closed.

This is concerning.  I wonder if it depends on which one is opened first and if autosave is on.  Was your autosave on? 

CRTL + m : changes maple input

CRTL + r : 2D math mode


What kind of fit line are you expecting?  Since you don't think it fits well, it's not what you are expecting.  If you could draw a rough line of what you expect it to be maybe we could find one that fits better.

@jud Some functions have no simple anti-derivatives, and in cases where a definite integral is needed it will have to be approximated.

In your case Maple and Mathematica can only produce an approximate numerical result.  No exact variable solution at this time exists.

Since all maple versions are providing the same answer, I suspect your equation is slightly different from last year or some kind of strange variable substitution. 

Over time the mind does play tricks you know, and if you hadn't exactly saved the worksheet then we grasp at straws.

@permanoon123  For me, there aren't enough points to extrapolate to any kind of reasonable curved surface or 3d structure.  Do you have more points?  What is it supposed to be?  From the points you show I don't see how it could have produced that image you provide from surfer software.

@Carl Love Correction, yes I did mean administrators in my first sentence and then refering to moderators/users in the latter part of my recent reply.

@Anthrazit which windows version are you using?

Also I wonder if anyone has experienced an equals sign missing one of it's dashes?

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