
5870 Reputation

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16 years, 218 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christopher2222

Although it shouldn't have an effect I noticed the Memory usage in the session you're showing is displaying 112.19M. 

So far I have not been able to reproduce, probably why this bug is so elusive.

I did notice changing the font size (crtl+1..2..3..etc) at the sizes crtl+3, crtl+6 and crtl+7 the minus appears to go to a bold state, while the size increases the minus gains extra thickness, not completely consistent as the size increases. 

I have never seen the minus sign appearing as K or positive as C, perhaps that is some kind of virus.  It could all be windows related as well, just the way fonts are displayed. 

I've only had luck once on a post deleted by accident and then recovered by the moderators.  

Personally I don't see why users should have so much power.  Any posts if deleted by any user should go into a holding section of deleted posts where a case can be made if to premanently delete it or not from the forum.

Barring of course any obvious spam posts. 

I think I've seen it a couple of times.  Just a quick stab at what it might be .. maybe it has something to do with anti-aliasing?  I'm not sure.  I've never seen that occur in Maple 12.  Does it occur in both document and worksheet mode?

I was hoping this would work to sort the t^2 out front

sort( (x^2+y^2)*t^2 , order=plex(t^2) )

It seems that in the Units package, 0 kN just becomes 0 (an integer) whereas 15 kN is a `*` and maple doesn't have the code to deal with that which is why op works by making the types the same. 

b:=0*Unit('kN') should really show "0 kN" and not just 0

You'll have to put a subroutine in to deal with any 0's that might occur by using op's.

Yes the title should just contain a very small amount of critical information. 

The title should at least be "How can I draw a 3D solid" Pehaps we could change it to that?

@acer Thanks Acer.  I'm not sure if there is something better than the ``() but it was quick and simple.  Maybe there is a better way?

The math library is extensive in Maple but it could be expanded.  An equation library maybe?  I look up equations of motion and I do not find the kinematic equations of motion, well they are there but it doesn't contain the equations - Newton's laws of motions are described but no accompanying equations.  Maybe also improve the math dictionary - a search of math dictionary I see brings up definitions to the letter D.  If I could scroll through it more it would be nice but just seems to stop, the only way to find definitions starting with "g" must explicitly execute "definitions, g" in the search.

It appears there may be a glitch within mapleprimes.  Questions that were branched from another post or question may get deleted when the original question chain is continued with comments or answers.  

That is, only if someone didn't legitamately delete it on purpose or delete it inadvertently.  Only Mapleprimes administrators would know. 

To Mapleprimes administrators - please restore the question How to factor out specific parts from expression

so the exact option in algsubs keeps it but the order gets messed up

algsubs(sin(x)/cos(x) = tan(x), bb, exact)


Utilizing the extract procedure using Kitonum's idea has spurred on another question

if our expression is

expr := cos(x) - sin(x)/(x^2*y) + 3*x*y

now extract out cos(x)

bb := extract(cos(x), a)


Can we force maple to simplify the middle term to tan(x)/x^2*y ?

algsubs comes close

algsubs(sin(x)/cos(x) = tan(x), bb)


 ... but it combines the 1

@Kitonum Thanks.  It would be nice if Maple had a tool to extract parts of an expression. 

So the following procedure resulted ..

  local f:
end proc:


The search is limited - it only finds applications with the word within the title and doesn't search within the body of the application.  For example a search for audio brings up 4 applications (is that all??) so we turn to the old application center and we find 15 applications and that's from Maple 10 on.  So the search tool needs to be revamped.

The layout is arrayed, I prefer a listed format which seems easier to sort alphabetically or by date.

Also I agree with the highlighting blue when hovering over the applications - can that be made transparent?


Can you give us a timeframe when the old application center will be taken down? 

Or will the new application center work in tandem with the old application center for a few months?

@vv employing maple developer logic the answers are not as strange as it may seem.

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