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18 years, 286 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by DuncanA

Both '.' and &* are non-commutative multiplication operators, but the evaluation rules are different.  With the dot (.) operator, evaluation is immediate.  &* is a neutral operator. A matrix multiplication expression containing &* remains unevaluated until a call to evalm is made.

A := LinearAlgebra:-RandomMatrix(2,2);
                                    [-50   45]
                               A := [        ]
                                    [-22  -81]
B := LinearAlgebra:-RandomMatrix(2,2);
                                    [50  -16]
                               B := [       ]
                                    [10   -9]
A . B;
                                [-2050   395]
                                [           ]
                                [-1910  1081]
A &* B;
                           [-50   45]    [50  -16]
                           [        ] &* [       ]
                           [-22  -81]    [10   -9]
                                [-2050   395]
                                [           ]
                                [-1910  1081]



The second loop does work but you don't see the output because the printlevel is set to 1 by default.  From Maple Help ?do: "The setting of printlevel causes the display of the results of all statements executed up to the level indicated by printlevel. By default, printlevel is initially set to 1. As a result, if nested loops are being used, it may be necessary to set printlevel to a higher value in order to see the results of all the statements in the loops."

Set printlevel := 2; and the output from the nested loop will be displayed.



You have a portfolio of 28 stocks. I'm guessing that x(i) is the weight of stock i in the portfolio, i.e., the fraction of the investors wealth invested in stock i.  The sum of weights should add to 1.  In which case, the equation for V is wrong and should be

V := sum(x(i), i = 1 .. 28) = 1;



The US matrix can be obtained by shifting one of the arguments to the delta function mod N.

N := 4:
delta := (a,b) -> `if`(a=b, 1, 0);  # Kronecker delta function
                    delta := (a, b) -> `if`(a = b, 1, 0)
Matrix(N, delta);
                                [1  0  0  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  1  0  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  1  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  0  1]
new_delta := (a,b) -> delta((a) mod N,(b-1) mod N);
         new_delta := (a, b) -> delta(`mod`(a, N), `mod`(b - 1, N))
Matrix(N, new_delta);
                                [0  1  0  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  1  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  0  1]
                                [          ]
                                [1  0  0  0]




To specify that x1,x2,y1,y2 are real use 'assume'.

For example,

assume(x1, 'real', x2, 'real', y1, 'real', y2, 'real');
A := Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]).exp(-I*(x1*x2+y1*y2));

When x1,x2,y1,y2 are assumed real, the complex conjugate sign over the products in the hermitian conjugate matrix disappear.


Also, if I understand you correctly, the upper shift matrices can be obtained using a circular shift of an identity matrix.  For example,

A := LinearAlgebra:-IdentityMatrix(4):
ArrayTools:-CircularShift(A, -1);
                                [0  1  0  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  1  0]
                                [          ]
                                [0  0  0  1]
                                [          ]
                                [1  0  0  0]



Based on the experiments I have conducted I believe the simplest option is to convert the data read in from Excel into a list of lists.





surveyData := ExcelTools:-Import("SurveyData.xls"):
L:=convert(surveyData, listlist);
         [[3.0, 29.5, 0.25], [3.0, 22.5, -0.25], [3.5, 43.0, 0.625]]
plots[surfdata](L, axes=boxed);



The read command ?read  provides a simple way to share maple code between worksheets. If the base model is exported to a Maple Input file (.mpl) it can be read into other worksheets by a call to read.  To export the base model, open the base model worksheet and from the menu system select File->Export As.  This will open the "Export As" dialog box.  Choose "Maple Input (.mpl)" from the "Files of type" menu and save with an appropriate filename.  A call to 'read <filename>;' in the other worksheets will import the base model into those worksheets.

 ?savelib  or a shared kernel  ?worksheet/reference/kernelmodes may be alternatives to using read.



Use the plot command to plot two lists of co-ordinate data, use solve to find coefficients of the equation, and use plots[display] to display two functions on the same plot.




x := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:

y := [3.7, 9.39, 23.09, 58.60, 153.41, 409.43, 1103.63, 2988.98, 8112.08, 22036.47]:

Plot two lists of co-ordinates using the plot command.

plot(x, y);


Use the solve command to find the coefficients given two points from the list of co-ordinates.

eqs := [ seq ( a*x[i] + exp(b*x[i]) = y[i], i in [ 1, 2 ] ) ];
solve( eqs, [ a, b ] );



f := x -> .5*x + exp(.8*x);
g := x -> .7*x + exp(.9*x);



p1 := plot(f(x), x = 1 .. 10,color=blue):
p2 := plot(g(x), x = 1 .. 10,color=green):

Display two separate functions on the same graph using the plots[display] command.

plots[display]([p1, p2]);




Download exp_plot.mw




If the execution of S2 is traced it can be seen that S2 is being called recursively, but never exits

{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, 2
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(m))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(2, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(3, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(4, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(5, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(6, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(2407, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(2408, `*`(m))))
{--> enter S2, args = p, 2, `+`(2, `-`(`*`(2409, `*`(m))))

Using add in place of sum gives the correct answer

{--> enter S3, args = p, 2, 2
{--> enter S3, args = p, 2, 0
<-- exit S3 (now in S3) = 1}
                                  p (1 - p)
<-- exit S3 (now at top level) = `*`(p, `*`(`+`(1, `-`(p))))}
                                  p (1 - p)
                                   p - p


S3 := (p, k, n)-> piecewise(0 <= n and n < k, 1, n < 0, 0, add(add(p^y*(1-p)^(m-y)*S3(p, k, n-m), m = y+1 .. y+k-1), y = 1 .. n-k+1));

I don't have a good explanation why sum doesn't work apart from saying that sum is designed for symbolic summation.



The plot will appear if the multiplication dots in the expression are replaced by asterisks.



dfieldplot(diff(y(x),x) = 2*x - 2*x*y(x),y(x),x=-2..2,y=-3..3);



Download dfieldplot.mw



There is a parametric plot ?plot,parametric.  But if you want to use the actual x[i], y[i] values these can be plotted as separate vectors. Increasing the value of 'n' below will give a smoother plot.



a := 2: b := 1:
plot([a*sin(t), b*cos(t), t=-Pi..Pi], scaling=constrained);


n := 10:

a := 2: b := 1:
d := 2 * Pi / n:

t := [seq(-Pi + d*i, i = 0 .. n)]:

x := Vector[row](n+1, i -> a*sin(t[i])):

y := Vector[row](n+1, i -> b*cos(t[i])):

plot(x, y, scaling=constrained);




Download plot,parametric.mw




Use the Copy command in the LinearAlgebra package.


A := Matrix(3,3,1);












Download LinearAlgebra,Cop.mw


The ArrayTools package also has a Copy command that performs a similar function.



According to the MapleNet documentation it is possible to specify a callback in the html file, i.e., "a JavaScript function to invoke when the Maplet Shutdown command is invoked." See Listing 6 and Table 4 on http://www.maplesoft.com/documentation_center/maplenet/Publisher/MapleNet%20HTML-4-1.html



There should be no semi-colon after 'test:=proc(alpha, beta)'. There should be a comma between 'lambda2' and 'Delta' in the local variable declaration.


test:=proc(alpha, beta)
local  itype::integer, lambda1, lambda2, Delta;

Delta := alpha^2-beta;
lambda12 := sqrt(sqrt(beta)-alpha);
lambda22 := sqrt(sqrt(beta)+alpha);
lambda13 := sqrt(-alpha+sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda23 := sqrt(alpha+sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda14 := sqrt(-alpha);
lambda24 := sqrt(-alpha);
lambda15 := sqrt(alpha);
lambda25 := sqrt(alpha);
lambda16 := sqrt(alpha-sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda26 := sqrt(alpha+sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda17 := sqrt(-alpha+sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda27 := sqrt(-alpha-sqrt(alpha^2-beta));
lambda18 := 0.;
lambda28 := sqrt(-2.0*alpha);
lambda19 := 0.;
lambda29 := sqrt(2.0*alpha);
lambda1 := piecewise(alpha = 0. and beta = 0., 0., `and`(beta > 0., Delta < 0.), lambda12, beta < 0., lambda13, `and`(alpha < 0., Delta = 0.), lambda14, `and`(alpha > 0., Delta = 0.), lambda15, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha > 0.), Delta > 0.), lambda16, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha < 0.), Delta > 0.), lambda17, alpha < 0., lambda18, lambda19);
lambda2 := piecewise(alpha = 0. and beta = 0., 0., `and`(beta > 0., Delta < 0.), lambda22, beta < 0., lambda23, `and`(alpha < 0., Delta = 0.), lambda24, `and`(alpha > 0., Delta = 0.), lambda25, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha > 0.), Delta > 0.), lambda26, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha < 0.), Delta > 0.), lambda27, alpha < 0., lambda28, lambda29);
itype := piecewise(alpha = 0. and beta = 0., 1, `and`(beta > 0., Delta < 0.), 2, beta < 0., 3, `and`(alpha < 0., Delta = 0.), 4, `and`(alpha > 0., Delta = 0.), 5, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha > 0.), Delta > 0.), 6, `and`(`and`(beta > 0., alpha < 0.), Delta > 0.), 7, alpha < 0., 8, 9);
return lambda1, lambda2, itype;
end proc;




For n=60000 I get an unhandled win32 exception in mserver.exe [4504] and a "Kernel connection has been lost." message from Maple.  I'm using Maple 12.



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