Edo Karura

294 Reputation

5 Badges

17 years, 228 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Edo Karura


Command-completion method worked.  I wanted it to look like this:


Command completion got me this:


I'm thinking that that is as close as I'm going to get with Maple as long as I want that input to be "live" - or whatever it's called when the program sees it as math and not just random text.  Am I right?


Nope!  Nothing at all!  Thanks!

Is there a way, though, to enter it in 2-D?  For example, using the expressions palette I entered the first term like this.

I there another, perhaps quicker, way?

Got it figured out.  Converting units just converts between intervals of the scales used where 1 kelvin degree = 1 celsius degree = 9/5ths fahrenheit degree.  Converting temperatures is what I really needed.


Got it figured out.  Converting units just converts between intervals of the scales used where 1 kelvin degree = 1 celsius degree = 9/5ths fahrenheit degree.  Converting temperatures is what I really needed.


I can't get the problem to reappear so that I can send the .mw files and I gather the .pdfs of the screenshots that I did upload aren't enough to diagnose the problem.  I guess I'll just have to wait until the beast rears its ugly head again.

Thanks anyway!


Yeah, but it's more focused on using Maple than on learning math, right?
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