
15 Reputation

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2 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Faber

Why do I get 2 wrong answers here?

I see that they are all false but the last answer is close enough for my purposes




"`f__1`(x):=6.-sqrt(-x^(2)+8*x+9.)" = proc (x) options operator, arrow, function_assign; 6.-RealDomain:-sqrt(-RealDomain:-`^`(x, 2)+8*x+9.) end procNULL

  l__ength := solve(10 = int(f__1(x), x = 0 .. l), l) = 8.855609656, -.4725737205, 6.810993084NULL

10 = int(f__1(x), x = 0 .. l__ength[1]) = 10 = 16.02268001"(->)"false

10 = int(f__1(x), x = 0 .. l__ength[2]) = 10 = -1.586294894"(->)"false``

10 = int(f__1(x), x = 0 .. l__ength[3]) = 10 = 10.00000001"(->)"false 



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