80 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GPY

I've got an excel file and a maple file saved in the same folder and am trying to import the contents of the excel file using  the Exceltools[Import]("name of file.extension") command as given in the manual but it doesn't seem to work. I've also tried copying the entire path of the file in the argument but that doesn't seem to work either. What am I doing incorrectly?


This should be trivial but I am not able to figure out the right syntax to execute it

The pdf is given by :

f_X(x)={ 1/25 *x, 0<=x<5

             2/5 -x/25, 5<=x<10

             0, otherwise

I have tried to use the "CumulativeDistributiveFunction" so far

The details of the tasks are explained in the maple file attached but the aim is essentially to model the carbon cycle using first order diff eqs. I'm slightly confused as to how to exactly set up the equations for part a) and b). I've set up the required constants for the equations and the initial conditions as follows: 

#### initial conditions

##### coefficients for rate of change

and one of the equations as :


but I've been told that I would have to accommodate the direction of flow of carbon in the rates and also reconsider how many equations I would need.

I've got

f(x,y)= a.exp(1+xy) +( a^2 )*sin(x)+1

for which I've shown that there exists an implicit function x=g(y). ( df/dx <>0)

and df/dx = a*exp(1+xy) +( a^2 )*cosx now in the neighborhood of P=(0,0) for the implicit function to exist I'd need a*exp(1+xy)*y <>0 but at P, wouldn't this be 0?

Given, g(y)=x, how do I find the max,min,saddle points?


On running the above code, I don't get a result. I don't understand why, and what are some of the underlying math principles that I would have to use to evaluate the limit of f at (1,-3) if I were to solve this question on paper?

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