80 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GPY

1.  a procedure quadsumstats whose input is an integer n. This procedure should return a list of length 

n whose kth  entry is the number of solutions to
x^2 + y^2 = k 
1 <= k and k <= n

I am sort of confused as to how to construct that list of length n and how to obtain integer solutions to the equation in maple.


a procedure firstCount(k) that finds the first integer
representations as
"x^2+y^2= n." What does it mean for an integer to have k representations?





I need to write a procedure that does the following :

Write a procedure quadsum whose input is an integer n and whose output is a list of pairs of solutions [x,y] to the above formula.

Your procedure should implement the following algorithm.

1 Initialization
"mylist = []."

Start at
x = 0
y = 0.

2 Phase A
Increment both
"x^2+y^2 >=n."

Phase B
Repeat the following until

If you are above the circle
x^2 + y^2 = n
then go down in unit steps until you are on or below the circle.

If you are on the circle, add the point to the list
"mylist. "

If you are on or below the circle
x^2 + y^2 = n
then go one step to the right. My procedure is as follows: but it runs into an infinite loop(most probably because of the while loop defined inside the while loop). What am I doing incorrectly?

I have atta


If I have the following system of first order diff eq's:



then can I consider the coefficient matrix A=<<2,-3>,<3,-2>> and compute the eigenvalues of A and infer as follows:

if the eigenvalues are of the same sign- eq point is a node

if they are of opposite signs- eq point is a saddle

if they are pure imaginary- eq point is a center

if they are complex conjugates- eq. point is a spiral

I've been given these conditions but my text says for a linear system of the form x'=Ax, the eigenvalues of A can be used to identify the nature of the eq. point. I am confused as to whether this applies to the given system as well; I have obtained 5 different trajectories and drawn the phase diagram for the system

I have the following :


for which the  transformed power series

is : 1 -(1/6)y*(x^3)

and pow_soln(_k) returns 0. What does this mean?


I have a matrix A for which the basis of the left null space using NullSpace() is the empty set {}  while the column space is {e1,e2,e3}. By definition, we need every vector in col space . every vector in basis of left null space =0 but how would I show that in this case? Can I determine another basis for the left null space?

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