80 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GPY

I've got the following double integral over a region A:

e^(1/x*y)/(y^2)*(x+1)^2 where A={(x,y):1/2<=x*y<=2,1<=x<=3}

to evaluate this:

I've tried :


since the largest lower bound and smallest upper bound for y based on 1/2<=xy<=2 are 1/2 and 2/3 respectively.

This statement however, only evaluates the inner integral; is my approach correct?

I've got a function y(x) that is initially defined as x^3+y^3=1 and need to plot it, and find y',y''.

At present, I've used implicitplot(x^3+y^3=1,x=0..5,y=0..5) to plot it, but that doesnt seem to work. Also, to find y'

I've used the statement

implicitdiff(g(x,y),y(x),x) where g:=(x,y)->x^3+y^3=1 but this gives me an error that my input is invalid; y(x) is expected to be of the form {(name, set(name), set(function(name))}.

I don't quite understand..

I need to plot the maximum of x^2 and sqrt(|x|) together on one graph. I've currently defined a procedure f that uses an if-else construct for the given function. However, when I use plot(f,-3..3); I get the following error:

"Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct"

How do I resolve this error?


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