
155 Reputation

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9 years, 173 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Guy1

Hi MaplePrimes team,


If I assume a plot-based function or procedure C(s,t) and P1(t) are hidden in a package somewhere I don’t care about the type of geometry (spacecurve or plot3d). Now, I just want to animate P1(t) following the variable t. How do I do?

Example 1: Curve Animation in variable t

1. Equation

C := (s,t)-> Vector([cos(s), sin(s), t*s/2]):     #Helix shape as example


2. Plot

P1 := t-> display(spacecurve(C(s,t), s = 0..3*2*Pi, linestyle = solid)):



Example 2: Surface Animation in variable t

1. Equation

S := (x,y,t)-> Vector([x, y, t/(1 + x^2 + y^2)]):

2. Plot

P2 := t-> display(plot3d(S(x,y,t), x = -2..2, y = -2..2)):


If I assume the function or procedure S(x,y,t) and P2(t) are hidden in a package somewhere I don’t care. Now, I just want to animate P2(t) following the variable t. How do I do?



Example 3: Mixing Curve and Surface Animation in variable t

The ideal/”dream” basic syntax would be:

animate(display, [P1(t), P2(t)], t = t1..t2)

But it does not work.




Dear MaplePrimes team,


For display a beautiful parametric surface with hole (or pierced surface), unfortunately unlike CAD (computer-aided design) tool, Maple requires a large grid number. Therefore the computing is too long and requires huge RAM only with grid of [500,500] on a modern computer.


Fig. 1: For a complex surface such an aircraft fuselage here, Needs high grid, therefore, the compilation is too long with modern computer (Intel Core i7, 2.4 GHz CPU, 16 GB RAM). If displays supplementary windows holes on fuselage, the software may bug when the RAM is full.


Question 1:

In matter of low cost computation, do you have better solution to create a fast surface with smooth hole from given a parametric surface equation S(x,y) and given any convex/concave-closed parametric curve C(t) that is projected on surface S(x,y)?

Fig. 2: These surfaces are been created in Maple 2016 from given initial parametric surface equation and curve projected on the surface. But requires huge grid, huge RAM, and long time to get smooth hole when free CAD tools are fast and low RAM.


Question 2:

Because I noted that the Maple’s view option renderers smooth edges of any surface. My question is: Is it possible to use the internal structure of display/view used by Maple to apply at free boundaries? I think it will be possible to create many class of view, for examples: cylindrical sector, spherical sector views or more rather to be limited with conventional cubic view. And thus, I think it will be possible to create own smooth hole or multiple-hole on surface and get smooth pierced surface.


I know that almost of technicians/engineers will recommend me to use a CAD tool to create surface with hole. But the objective here is to keep purely a mathematical mind and work with exact equations (analytic equations).

On a free CAD tool, even the complex holes are created very fast only with low RAM. Why not on Maple?





This message is for those who prefer use Maple in 1-D Math Input.

In 1-D Math Input, in previous versions of Maple, it was very comfortable to have the freedom to write ONE large statement in Continuing ON SEVERAL LINES for clarity and better reading from a *.wm file.

Here are simple examples, but in reality, I work on very complex cases.


Example #1:

A := u*( x + ln(x +1) + cos(x))

     + v*(1 + sqrt(x))

     + w*(sin(x) + tan(x) + x);


Example #2:


          , cos(s)*sin(t)

          , sin(s)]);


Example #3:


  plot(f(x), x = x1..x2)

, plot(g(x), x = x1..x2)

, plot(h(x), x = x1..x2)



In Maple 2015 with a *.wm file, when you try to execute these example in 1-D Math Input, an error is returned and unfortunately forces you to write everything on the same line, what makes reading tiring.


Is a bug or a voluntary deactivation?

Can you help me, please?



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