155 Reputation

9 Badges

11 years, 350 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by H-R

Does Maple have any tool or package that computes the Fourier & Fourier-Bessel series expansions of a given funtion "f(x)" over a specified interval "[a,b]"?

Take a look at below. I was expecting maple to give me "g'(1)"! :)

I have a set "EQ" containing N linear equations in N unknowns. The only symbolic variables in each "EQ[i]" are the unknowns. I want to write a procedure that derives the matrices "A" and "b" where A.x=b is the same linear system stored in "EQ". In other words, I want to write the linear system in the matrix form.

Can anyone guide me through writting such a procedure?
As an example do it with the system written in the following file.

Note: This procedure will be used for large linear systems (e.g. 2000 Equations, 2000 Unknowns) so it will be important that the procedure uses the least operations required.


Thanks in advance.

I have a large system of linear algebraic equations that I want to solve (2005 Unknowns, 2005 Equations). I was wondering that what are the proper commands to use in maple for solving the system as fast as possible. Take a look at the files in the download link if you want to see the system of linear algebraic equations.


Please provide me any suggesitons that you may think will be helpful like using other sofwares that are good in doing this work such as MATLAB or something else.

Thanks in Advance

I have an integral that maple can not solve but I can solve it by hand. How can I add this to maple integration database?


Please see the file below.



Many many thanks! :)

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