
20 Reputation

7 Badges

11 years, 217 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Heeka

@Carl Love thanks for your efforts in finding the method

even if you do not know, but I appreciate it.

@Carl Love thanks for your efforts in finding the method

even if you do not know, but I appreciate it.

thanks for the answer, sir.

I want to ask something, this is out of maple.

But since I know you are in the field of mathematics, maybe you know and can give a little explanation for me

i really need this, but no one can tell me

Do you know about homotopi perturbation method?

thanks for the answer, sir.

I want to ask something, this is out of maple.

But since I know you are in the field of mathematics, maybe you know and can give a little explanation for me

i really need this, but no one can tell me

Do you know about homotopi perturbation method?

@Carl Love that is why I can not get the results that you write, because I used maple 11

what if using maple 16, if it works?

sorry if I ask too many questions, I was recently using maple, so I do not really understand how to use it.

once again, thank you for the answers sir.

@Carl Love that is why I can not get the results that you write, because I used maple 11

what if using maple 16, if it works?

sorry if I ask too many questions, I was recently using maple, so I do not really understand how to use it.

once again, thank you for the answers sir.

@Markiyan Hirnyk special maple procedures? Do you know how? I use maple 11

but it's okay if you do not know

I am very grateful for the response before

@Markiyan Hirnyk special maple procedures? Do you know how? I use maple 11

but it's okay if you do not know

I am very grateful for the response before

I did use best theorem to calculate how much the circuit.

but my professor wants

whether, if the numerical results obtained using the same or not by using the best

that is why I am asking that question.

so I can compare, between using best theorem(analysis) and using maple 11(numeric).

I did use best theorem to calculate how much the circuit.

but my professor wants

whether, if the numerical results obtained using the same or not by using the best

that is why I am asking that question.

so I can compare, between using best theorem(analysis) and using maple 11(numeric).

@Carl Love thanks you so much..

I really want a picture like that, so I i really thank you..


because I really want a picture like that, and the actual calculation using maple (with 4 vertices and 7 arcs)

so I can use both
the image I want and the calculation of circuit euler from the actual situation.

@Carl Love thanks you so much..

I really want a picture like that, so I i really thank you..


because I really want a picture like that, and the actual calculation using maple (with 4 vertices and 7 arcs)

so I can use both
the image I want and the calculation of circuit euler from the actual situation.

6 was obtained by using maple as well or we just use the analysis?

because I only get 3 circuits with an analysis based on directed graph, that are

1,4,2,3,4,3,2,1 ; 1,4,3,4,2,3,2,1 ; 1,4,3,2,3,4,2,1

is there a way if using maple??


thanks in advance

6 was obtained by using maple as well or we just use the analysis?

because I only get 3 circuits with an analysis based on directed graph, that are

1,4,2,3,4,3,2,1 ; 1,4,3,4,2,3,2,1 ; 1,4,3,2,3,4,2,1

is there a way if using maple??


thanks in advance

thank you
I really appreciate it


if you dont mind, i have 1 more question..

how if i want to know, how many Eulerian circuit of the graph and what trajectory?


thanks a lot..

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