
95 Reputation

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9 years, 80 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Heinrich

@Mariusz Iwaniuk That's helpful altough the approach looks complicated for my problem. i found an approach how to takle that.

@tomleslie Thanks for your answer les – my problem is actually more compicated than that. The final result i have already contain several derivatives so it will be chllenging to set that individually by hand. Was wondering whether a smart solution exist to oblige Maple to express something that it does actually know how to evaluate!

@acer Yes, they are uniformaly distributed with equal spacing in both directions (DX = DY = 0.26). Thank you.

@vv i get numbers close to those on a a new Maple sheet. In the Maple sheet in which the system is composed, it is evaluating since a while without success. i should perhaps keep jumping back and forth between the sheets to get the system solved...

@vv Thank you. i don't think that the conversion to rational is necessary. It looks like LinearSolve takes ages to provide the solution in this case. Still evaluating... since a few minutes ago already!!

@Preben Alsholm

Alright -- then there might be some problems in the math steps leading to this result. i will check my calculations.

Thanks for helping!



What i am using is Maple 15 on a Linux operating system (Centos)

Are there any additional packages that should be uplaoded first?

Thank you

@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you. Yes, the function seems to have an infinite number of singularities. i don't know whether an inverse Laplace transform is possible in this case.

As for your above code, i get many error messages. Specifically

A := op([1, 1], indets(F2, specfunc(sin)))/Pi

leads to: Error, testing against an invalid type

Additional errors orrur, namely: Error, ambiguous multiple assignment, and Error, (in fsolve) sp1 .. sp1 is an invalid range.

Could you please try to fix that so that one can have a look at the singularities? Thank you




Hello Everybody,

Thank you for the usful post. The algorithm by Axel Vogt works great for quite many usual functions. However, the function below, which results from solving a mathematical physical problem, seems to pose problems using the above algorithm. I was wondering whether someone here could try to help a bit to invert numerically the following complicated function. Thank you



@Rouben Rostamian  Thanks for your powerful answer. It works incredibly well! You are a genious :)

@Mac Dude Thank you for your comment. It is most probably a PC-related problem and has nothing to do with Maple 15 itself..

@Preben Alsholm Thank you for your comment. Yes, this is the one I use. Maybe it is a problem of the PC I use

@Markiyan Hirnyk Indeed. The computation is faster by taking the imaginary part first with the prescrived method.

Very much thanks.

I think that the problem has been solved now



@Axel Vogt Taking the limit when beta = 0 leads to a well defined imaginary part. The real part is divergent but only the imaginary part is needed here.



Thanks for your feedback.

I think that the integral is well behaved. It can be shown that the integrand decays as s or beta gets larger. Also, the both the limits when s or beta tends to zero exist.

I can't see the syntax errors in Result. What do you mean?

Kindest, Federiko


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