
35 Reputation

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9 years, 96 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Iza

@Kitonum , thanks a lot. I haven't tried it this way.


@Christian Wolinski , thank you for your answer. I am using the first method by @Preben Alsholm and it is OK.



@Preben Alsholm , of course it was my mistake. In the meantime I've changed the constants, but of course my problem was the order of the substitutions, as you wrote. Thanks, now it works.




@Preben Alsholm , I used the first version and it works. Now I am submitting the next part of the procedure:

H1 := fsolve(eq1 = 0, H = 100 .. 170);

z1:=subs(H=H1,C11=C[1],C21=C[3],z1); # 1st problem


z := piecewise( 0<=x and x<= xP, z1, xP<=x and x <= l, z2 ) ;

p_z:=plot(z,0..l); # 2nd problem


I suppose that it is very simple to solve my problems, but I've tried different methods and nothing works.

1st problem - I want to submit  the values of C11, C21... which are in the vector C to the expression z1 (and next to z2)

2nd problem - I would like to draw a plot of piecewise function


Thanks in advance for your time and help,



@Preben Alsholm , thank you once more. Unfortunately I have another problem with the same task. I've tried different ways, but none of them works. I want to submit the values C11... to expressions z1 and z2 so they would only depend on variable x. I hope it is clear.


@Preben Alsholm , thank you a lot for a quick reply. I will remember your advices.



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