J F Ogilvie

258 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 171 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by J F Ogilvie

    A powerful approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics for students of science and engineering has been made practical through the development of powerful general mathematical software, of which Maple provides the least steep learning curve.  Accordingly, it is timely to produce an interactive electronic textbook that, for students of chemistry -- also biochemistry and chemical engineering, has as its objective in part I,
Mathematics for...

     I suppose that Maple 15 is now in the stage of beta testing, but I have not served as a beta tester for a few years.

     Those scientists and mathematicians who apply Maple in teaching mathematics, science and engineering or who use it in their research naturally wonder what will be in store in the next release to complement and to extend the features in preceding releases. 

     I have no...

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