
45 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 241 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jno


I recently moved from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I am using Maple 2022.2, and I got that installed and working OK. 

I have four Maple worksheets that I have saved as tasks on Windows 10, but my OS move requires some adjustments. When I try save the modified worksheets to the default Maple help database, I get an error saying that the database is read-only. When I try to make a new database file, Maple asks if it should create it, but then I get an error that Maple can't open the new database.





I have been bothered lately by the number format for axis labels in Maple. My problem existed before, but it apparently didn't bother me before. I have spent many hours trying to find an answer in the program help, in MaplePrimes, and in general online searches. I am not having any luck at all (good luck, that is).

I want to change the format of the axis numbering. Maple seems to default to 2 decimal places in my graph, and I really need more. Oddly, when I export the graph to PDF, I get another decimal place (even though I didn't explicitly ask for one). 

How do I change the axis-label format? Any idea what I might get when I export the graph?

Thanks for your help,




I am trying to automatically combine plots that I created with an index: ex. IP[i] := plot(...

I can combine them manually, but the maximum value of i can be almost any number greater than 1, and I don’t want to edit things all the time. i can also be very big. I have tried several random ways of embedding the index, but I’ve had no success.

Any ideas? Thanks.



I am making good progress in getting Maple to do the simple tasks I need it to do, but there are a few things that I am unable to get looking the way I want. I have looked repeatedly for answers, but I have come up empty every time.

1. No Leading Zero: If I have a variable equal to 0.75, I want it to display as 0.75 not .75. This is not a problem when I do calculations, but when I, for example, display the value in a plot legend, I would like it to have a leading zero.

2. Scientific Notation Threshold: Is there a threshold defining when the display of a value changes from a regular decimal number to a number in scientific notation? For example, I have a number with a value of 0.0094, and I would like it to display (again, in a plot legend) as 0.0094, but it keeps coming out as .94e-2. Yes, it is the same value.

3. Scientific Notation Format: The number in #2 shows up as .94e-2, but it seems like it should be 9.4e-3. Am I missing something? It seems like I was always taught that the mantissa should be between 1 and 10, but Maple seems to want to give me a number between 0 and 1.




I have been looking for a solution to my problem since last night, but I have been unsuccessful. My problem is that the Column command is not recognized in some Maple worsheets. This problem might occur with other commands too, but most commands seem to work fine. It also only seems to happen in some (not all) worksheets. I just tried creating a new Maple sheet where all I do is create a 2x2 matrix and apply the Column command, but the command is not recognized.

Any ideas? Thanks.


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