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2 years, 233 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jno

Thanks, @Rouben Rostamian. The full worksheet is rather proprietary, so I pared it down as much as I could.


In my process of cleaning, I think I got a little closer to the solution (or at least identifying the location of the problem). The axis numbering seems OK with my initial plot command, but when I combine plots with the plots[display] command, I get the behavior I asked about. It seems that I got an extra decimal point once with plots[display], but I can't reproduce it. I've recalulated the sheet many times--and even stopped and restarted Maple--and I still get just two decimal places.



Thanks, Carl Love. I wish I were in front of my PC so I could use it now.


Thanks, @dharr. That does exactly what I need.



I found that if I increase the precision of my variable, I can get my desired scientific-notation format, and the threshold for scientific-notation display changes a little.

d := 0.000075;
cat("d = ", d);

                          "d = .75e-4"

d := convert(d, float[8]);
cat("d = ", d);
                         "d = 7.5e-005"

However, I am still missing the leading zero when I use the cat command and I don't go past the threshold for scientific notation.

d := 0.75;
cat("d= ", d);

                            "d= .75"

d := convert(d, float[8]);
cat("d = ", d);

                           "d = .75"




I've been playing with this some more, and I have found that the "problems" I cited previously arise when include variables in the legend plot option and cat command. Things seem to be OK if I just display the variable or include it it a caption. However, since I often need to display two variables, it is difficult to avoid using cat.

If I need to use it, I have a workaround to the leading-zero issue: I can simply add it as a string. Things get a little more difficult when the scientific-notation issues are involved. However, I'd rather not have to do anything special; I'd like to set my document loose on some data, and sit back and wait for the results.



Thanks @Carl Love. Your solution works better in my routine.


Thanks @dharr.

I was confused because it seemed to work on other sheets when I did not (explicitly) add the Linear Algebra package. LinearAlgebra:-Column() works fine (but you knew that). Thanks!


@Carl Love 

Apparently, the latest version: 2022.1.



Thanks @Carl Love. I was able to call your procedure with some actual process data and combine it with some other math to get the number I was looking for. I will still study your code to understand everything it does, but it gives the right answers for any test data I throw at it.



Thanks @Carl Love. This is very complete; I see that you included the "error" terms, which I omitted from my original question, and the F and p-values are very helpful.

I noticed that the matrix indices at the end start from 0, which is actually what I am used to. What I have seen so far is that Maple starts countiung at 1. Is the origin at 0 due to the DataFrame, or is it a setting somewhere in the Maple program itself?



Thanks @Carl Love. That restart command is handy, and I wish I had had it sometimes in Mathcad, but it is obvious that I need to be careful with it. It seems that I had made the array I needed, but then wiped it out with restart.

After I cleared up the problems with (or at least made them go away for now), I got answer (and the "right" answer). However, the output of the procedure has, for example, SS__P = HFloat(...). The numbers in parentheses look right, but then "HFloat" is confusing. How do I get rid of it? Also, how do I get the numbers out of the record so that I can use them?



Thanks @Carl Love.

I found that the array that I was trying to use had different dimensions than the one in your procedure (it looks like the Parts and Appraisers numbers are flipped). That is nor a big deal; I can change indices as needed. But even when I define an array that I think should work (i.e., I use the Array command and order things properly), I get "Error, invalid input: ANOVA_3D expects its 1st argument, X, to be of type And(rtable,3 &under rtable_num_dims), but received TestA" and when I try to check the dimensions with ArrayDims(), I get "Error, invalid input: ArrayDims expects its 1st argument, A, to be of type rtable, but received TestA" (TestA is the test array I made).

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Hi @Carl Love.

My plan was to insert your code into my worksheet and then call your ANOVA_3D procedure using an array I assembled in the specified format. It seemed like a reasonable plan to me, but when I try to call your procedure using my data matrix, I get the following error: Error, invalid input: ANOVA_3D expects its 1st argument, X, to be of type And(rtable,3 &under rtable_num_dims), but received nm1 [nm1 is my data, by the way]. If I try to use your original function call and set AP equal to nm1, I get an error that nm1 does not exist.

What do I need to do so that your procedure can see my matrix. Is it a format issue? Would you be kind enough to explain the following code: (X::And(rtable, 3 &under rtable_num_dims)) ?



Thanks @Carl Love. I am very impressed. I don't understand all of your code (yet), but I can't argue with the results.

Thanks also for the worksheet. You were correct about the input mode; I did use Ctrl-J or Ctrl-k, but it seems that the input mode was still 2D math. 


Thanks @Carl Love for your efforts in tightening up your code. I tried putting it in a blank Maple worksheet, but I get an error: "Error, invalid arrow procedure." 



Here is some sample data from the MSA manual. In practice, each parameter (appraiser, part, and test) can range from 2 to 10. The number of test values is the same for each appraiser/part combination.

The values below the table are the "right" numbers from the MSA manual,although I can also get them using a rather roundabout approach.



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