Joshua Holden

51 Reputation

6 Badges

20 years, 58 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Joshua Holden

Yup, that did the trick.  How odd!


I guess I'm going to have to make sure I have a classic interface available for a while, though.


Thanks very much, Christopher!

Yup, that did the trick.  How odd!


I guess I'm going to have to make sure I have a classic interface available for a while, though.


Thanks very much, Christopher!

Thanks, Robert!

Thanks, Robert!

The link to the file elements.txt appears to be dead.  Does anyone have a copy?  Thanks!

Thanks very much!


The source code link seems to be broken --- anyone know what happened?  Thanks!



does right-clicking on the plot and choosing "polygon" or "polygon with Outline" from the "style" selection provide what you want?
Isn't that the default? Anyway, I've tried all of the options.
There is also the syntax: plot(sin(x), filled = true)
That fills from a curve to the x-axis. I'd like to have a similar way to fill *between* two curves. ---Josh
Try comparing plots[densityplot](x*y, x = -1 .. 1, y = -1 .. 1, axes = boxed, colorstyle = HUE) to plots[densityplot](x*y, x = -1 .. 1, y = -x .. x, axes = boxed, colorstyle = HUE) The second one should look like a bow-tie shaped piece cut out of the first. But it doesn't. ----Josh
I no longer have Maple 10, so I can't try your example, but for my example the Maple 10 result was right and the Maple 11 result was wrong, no question. I can post the two files if it would be helpful. ----Josh
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