
30 Reputation

3 Badges

12 years, 360 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by JotaTR

I have changed pi to 3.14 and it has worked. Thanks

Good ideia, Thanks ;)

I have made the changes that you suggested and its working.

Thanks to both.

You can alway convert the 2-D math input into 1D, then change the variables, and then convert from 1D to 2D. At least i tryed that and worked

Thanks i was forgetting to delete those equations. Now i am able to generate the component but when i simulate on maplesim i get an error saying:
(in MapleSim:-Modelica:-Flatten) tokenization error, on line 242: \"`\" unexpected
Simulation failed.
What is the problem? On modellica code the line 242 is:  'ρw3' = 1000 - .178e-1 * (Tw3 - 277.15) ^ 1.7;
Is there any problem with that notation?
Thanks for the help

Thanks i was forgetting to delete those equations. Now i am able to generate the component but when i simulate on maplesim i get an error saying:
(in MapleSim:-Modelica:-Flatten) tokenization error, on line 242: \"`\" unexpected
Simulation failed.
What is the problem? On modellica code the line 242 is:  'ρw3' = 1000 - .178e-1 * (Tw3 - 277.15) ^ 1.7;
Is there any problem with that notation?
Thanks for the help

Hi, I have tried  the piecewise and i get no errors, but after i attach the component in maplesim project i just cant open the file in order to generate the component. Nothing happens when i click view. Any idea?



Thanks, It has worked

Thanks for the help, but when i do what you said another problem appear. I get an error saying:

Error, (in rtable/Power) exponentiation operation not defined for Vectors
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