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16 years, 211 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Kitonum

The following puzzle prompted me to write this post: "A figure is drawn on checkered paper that needs to be cut into 2 equal parts (the cuts must pass along the sides of the squares.)" (parts are called equal if, after cutting, they can be superimposed on one another, that is, if one of them can be moved, rotated and (if need to) flip so that they completely coincide) (see the first picture below). 
I could not solve it manually and wrote a procedure called  CutTwoParts  that does this automatically (of course, this procedure applies to other similar puzzles). This procedure uses my procedure  AreIsometric  published earlier  (for convenience, I have included its text here). In the procedure  CutTwoParts  the figure is specified by the coordinates of the centers of the squares of which it consists).

I advise everyone to first try to solve this puzzle manually in order to feel its non-triviality, and only then load the worksheet with the procedure for automatic solution.

For some reason, the worksheet did not load and I was only able to insert the link.


Here is two solutions with Maple of the problem A2 of  Putnam Mathematical Competition 2019 . The first solution is entirely based on the use of the  geometry  package; the second solution does not use this package. Since the triangle is defined up to similarity, without loss of generality, we can set its vertices  A(0,0) , B(1,0) , C(x0,y0)  and then calculate the parameters  x0, y0  using the conditions of the problem. 


The problem

A2: In the triangle ∆ABC, let G be the centroid, and let I be the center of the
inscribed circle. Let α and β be the angles at the vertices A and B, respectively.
Suppose that the segment IG is parallel to AB and that  β = 2*arctan(1/3).  Find α.

# Solution 1 with the geometry package

# Calculation

local I:
point(A,0,0): point(B,1,0): point(C,x0,y0):
assume(y0>0,-y0*(-1+x0-((1-x0)^2+y0^2)^(1/2))+y0*((x0^2+y0^2)^(1/2)+x0) <> 0):
incircle(ic,t, 'centername'=I):
solve({Cn[2]=CG[2],y0/(x0-1)=a}, explicit);

# Visualization (G is the point of medians intersection)

incircle(ic,t, 'centername'=I):
median(mB,B,t): median(mC,C,t):
draw([A(symbol=solidcircle,color=black),B(symbol=solidcircle,color=black),C(symbol=solidcircle,color=black),I(symbol=solidcircle,color=green),G(symbol=solidcircle,color=blue),t(color=black),s(color=red,thickness=2),ic(color=green),mB(color=blue,thickness=0),mC(color=blue,thickness=0)], axes=none, size=[800,500], printtext=true,font=[times,20]);



Warning, The imaginary unit, I, has been renamed _I


Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.


{x0 = 0, y0 = 3/4}


answer = (1/2)*Pi



# Solution 2 by a direct calculation

# Calculation

local I;
Sol1:=eval([x,y],solve({y=-(x-1)/3,y=(sinB/(1+cosB))*x}, {x,y})):
A:=[0,0]: B:=[1,0]: C:=eval([x0,y0],Sol2[2]):
AB:=<(B-A)[]>: AC:=<(C-A)[]>:

# Visualization

with(plottools): with(plots):
P:=pointplot([A,B,C,I,G], color=[black$3,green,blue], symbol=solidcircle):
T:=textplot([[A[],"A"],[B[],"B"],[C[],"C"],[I[],"I"],[G[],"G"]], font=[times,20], align=[left,below]):
M:=plot([[(C+t*~((A+B)/2-C))[],t=0..1],[(B+t*~((A+C)/2-B))[],t=0..1]], color=blue, thickness=0):
display(ABC,c,IG,P,T,M, scaling=constrained, axes=none,size=[800,500]);



Warning, The imaginary unit, I, has been renamed _I


{x0 = 1, y0 = 0}, {x0 = 0, y0 = 3/4}


answer = (1/2)*Pi


[1/4, 1/4]


[1/3, 1/4]






This post is closely related to the previous one  which presents the procedure  NumbrixPuzzle   that allows you to effectively solve these puzzles (the text of this procedure is also available in the worksheet below).  
This post is about generating these puzzles. To do this, we need the procedure  SerpentinePaths  (see below) , which allows us to generate a large number of serpentine paths in a matrix of a specified size, starting with a specified matrix element. Note that for a square matrix of the order  n , the number of such paths starting from [1,1] - position is the sequence .

The required parameter of  SerpentinePaths procedure is the list  S , which defines the dimensions of the matrix. The optional parameter is the list  P  - this is the position of the number 1 (by default P=[1,1] ).
As an example below, we generate 20 puzzles of size 6 by 6. In exactly the same way, we can generate the desired number of puzzles for matrices of other sizes.



SerpentinePaths:=proc(S::list, P::list:=[1,1])
local OneStep, A, m, F, B, T, a;

local s, L, B, T, k, l;

T:=table(); k:=0;
for l in L do
if l[1]>=1 and l[1]<=S[1] and l[2]>=1 and l[2]<=S[2] and A[op(l)]=0 then k:=k+1; B:=subsop(l=a+1,A);
T[k]:=B fi;
convert(T, list);
end proc;
A:=convert(Matrix(S[], {(P[])=1}), listlist);
B:=[$ 1..m];
F:=LM->ListTools:-FlattenOnce(map(OneStep, `if`(nops(LM)<=30000,LM,LM[-30000..-1])));
for a in B do
map(convert, T, Matrix);

end proc:

local A1, L, N, S, MS, OneStepLeft, OneStepRight, F1, F2, m, L1, p, q, a, b, T, k, s1, s, H, n, L2, i, j, i1, j1, R;
uses ListTools;
S:=upperbound(A); N:=nops(op(A)[3]); MS:=`*`(S);
A1:=convert(A, listlist);
for i from 1 to S[1] do
for j from 1 to S[2] do
for i1 from i to S[1] do
for j1 from 1 to S[2] do
if A1[i,j]<>0 and A1[i1,j1]<>0 and abs(A1[i,j]-A1[i1,j1])<abs(i-i1)+abs(j-j1) then return `no solutions` fi;
od; od; od; od;
L:=sort(select(e->e<>0, Flatten(A1)));
L1:=[`if`(L[1]>1,seq(L[1]-k, k=0..L[1]-2),NULL)];
L2:=[seq(seq(`if`(L[i+1]-L[i]>1,L[i]+k,NULL),k=0..L[i+1]-L[i]-2), i=1..nops(L)-1), `if`(L[-1]<MS,seq(L[-1]+k,k=0..MS-L[-1]-1),NULL)];
local s, M, m, k, T;
uses ListTools;
s:=Search(a, Matrix(A1));   
T:=table(); k:=0;
for m in M do
if m[1]>=1 and m[1]<=S[1] and m[2]>=1 and m[2]<=S[2] and A1[op(m)]=0 then k:=k+1; T[k]:=subsop(m=a-1,A1);
convert(T, list);
end proc;
local s, M, m, k, T, s1;
uses ListTools;
s:=Search(a, Matrix(A1));  s1:=Search(a+2, Matrix(A1));  
T:=table(); k:=0;
for m in M do
if m[1]>=1 and m[1]<=S[1] and m[2]>=1 and m[2]<=S[2] and A1[op(m)]=0 and `if`(a+2 in L, `if`(is(abs(s1[1]-m[1])+abs(s1[2]-m[2])>1),false,true),true) then k:=k+1; T[k]:=subsop(m=a+1,A1);
convert(T, list);   
end proc;
F1:=LM->ListTools:-FlattenOnce(map(OneStepLeft, LM));
F2:=LM->ListTools:-FlattenOnce(map(OneStepRight, LM));
for a in L1 do
for a in L2 do
R:=map(t->convert(t,Matrix), T);
if nops(R)=0 then return `no solutions` else R fi;
end proc:

Simple examples

SerpentinePaths([3,3]);  # All the serpentine paths for the matrix  3x3, starting with [1,1]-position
SerpentinePaths([3,3],[1,2]);  # No solutions if the start with [1,2]-position
SerpentinePaths([4,4]):  # All the serpentine paths for the matrix  4x4, starting with [1,1]-position
nops(SerpentinePaths([4,4],[1,2]));  # The number of all the serpentine paths for the matrix  4x4, starting with [1,2]-position
nops(SerpentinePaths([4,4],[2,2]));  # The number of all the serpentine paths for the matrix  4x4, starting with [2,2]-position

[Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 6, (1, 3) = 7, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 5, (2, 3) = 8, (3, 1) = 3, (3, 2) = 4, (3, 3) = 9}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 8, (1, 3) = 7, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 9, (2, 3) = 6, (3, 1) = 3, (3, 2) = 4, (3, 3) = 5}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 8, (1, 3) = 9, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 7, (2, 3) = 6, (3, 1) = 3, (3, 2) = 4, (3, 3) = 5}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 4, (1, 3) = 5, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 3, (2, 3) = 6, (3, 1) = 9, (3, 2) = 8, (3, 3) = 7}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 9, (2, 1) = 4, (2, 2) = 3, (2, 3) = 8, (3, 1) = 5, (3, 2) = 6, (3, 3) = 7}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 3, (2, 1) = 8, (2, 2) = 7, (2, 3) = 4, (3, 1) = 9, (3, 2) = 6, (3, 3) = 5}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 3, (2, 1) = 8, (2, 2) = 9, (2, 3) = 4, (3, 1) = 7, (3, 2) = 6, (3, 3) = 5}), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 3, (2, 1) = 6, (2, 2) = 5, (2, 3) = 4, (3, 1) = 7, (3, 2) = 8, (3, 3) = 9})]










Below we find 12,440 serpentine paths in the matrix  6x6 starting from various positions (the set  L )

k:=0:  n:=6:
for i from 1 to n do
for j from i to n do
k:=k+1; S[k]:=SerpentinePaths([n,n],[i,j])[];
od: od:
L1:={seq(S[i][], i=1..k)}:
L2:=map(A->A^%T, L1):
L:=L1 union L2:



Further, using the list  L, we generate 20 examples of Numbrix puzzles with the unique solutions

M:=[seq(L[i], i=combinat:-randcomb(nops(L),N))]:
for i from 1 to N do
for k from floor(n^2/4) do
T[i]:=Matrix(n,{seq(op(M[i])[3][j], j=combinat:-randcomb(n^2,k))});
if nops(NumbrixPuzzle(T[i]))=1 then break; fi;
od:  od:
DocumentTools:-Tabulate(Matrix(4,5, (i,j)->T1[i,j]), fillcolor = "LightYellow", width=95):

The solutions of these puzzles

DocumentTools:-Tabulate(Matrix(4,5, (i,j)->NumbrixPuzzle(T1[i,j])[]), fillcolor = "LightYellow", width=95):


For some reason, these 20 examples and their solutions did not load here.

 Edit. I separately inserted these generated 20 puzzles as a picture:




In this post, the Numbrix Puzzle is solved by the branch and bound method (see the details of this puzzle in The main difference from the solution using the  Logic  package is that here we get not one but all possible solutions. In the case of a unique solution, the  NumbrixPuzzle procedure is faster than the  Numbrix  one (for convenience, I inserted the code for Numbrix procedure into the worksheet below). In the case of many solutions, the  Numbrix  procedure is usually faster (see all the examples below).



local A1, L, N, S, MS, OneStepLeft, OneStepRight, F1, F2, m, L1, p, q, a, b, T, k, s1, s, H, n, L2, i, j, i1, j1, R;
uses ListTools;
S:=upperbound(A); N:=nops(op(A)[3]); MS:=`*`(S);
A1:=convert(A, listlist);
for i from 1 to S[1] do
for j from 1 to S[2] do
for i1 from i to S[1] do
for j1 from 1 to S[2] do
if A1[i,j]<>0 and A1[i1,j1]<>0 and abs(A1[i,j]-A1[i1,j1])<abs(i-i1)+abs(j-j1) then return `no solutions` fi;
od; od; od; od;
L:=sort(select(e->e<>0, Flatten(A1)));
L1:=[`if`(L[1]>1,seq(L[1]-k, k=0..L[1]-2),NULL)];
L2:=[seq(seq(`if`(L[i+1]-L[i]>1,L[i]+k,NULL),k=0..L[i+1]-L[i]-2), i=1..nops(L)-1), `if`(L[-1]<MS,seq(L[-1]+k,k=0..MS-L[-1]-1),NULL)];

local s, M, m, k, T;
uses ListTools;
s:=Search(a, Matrix(A1));   
T:=table(); k:=0;
for m in M do
if m[1]>=1 and m[1]<=S[1] and m[2]>=1 and m[2]<=S[2] and A1[op(m)]=0 then k:=k+1; T[k]:=subsop(m=a-1,A1);
convert(T, list);
end proc;

local s, M, m, k, T, s1;
uses ListTools;
s:=Search(a, Matrix(A1));  s1:=Search(a+2, Matrix(A1));  
T:=table(); k:=0;
for m in M do
if m[1]>=1 and m[1]<=S[1] and m[2]>=1 and m[2]<=S[2] and A1[op(m)]=0 and `if`(a+2 in L, `if`(is(abs(s1[1]-m[1])+abs(s1[2]-m[2])>1),false,true),true) then k:=k+1; T[k]:=subsop(m=a+1,A1);
convert(T, list);   
end proc;

F1:=LM->ListTools:-FlattenOnce(map(OneStepLeft, LM));
F2:=LM->ListTools:-FlattenOnce(map(OneStepRight, LM));

for a in L1 do

for a in L2 do

R:=map(t->convert(t,Matrix), T);
if nops(R)=0 then return `no solutions` else R[] fi;

end proc:

Numbrix := proc( M :: ~Matrix, { inline :: truefalse := false } )

local S, adjacent, eq, i, initial, j, k, kk, m, n, one, single, sol, unique, val, var, x;

    (m,n) := upperbound(M);

    initial := &and(seq(seq(ifelse(M[i,j] = 0
                                   , NULL
                                   , x[i,j,M[i,j]]
                            , i = 1..m)
                        , j = 1..n));

    adjacent := &and(seq(seq(seq(x[i,j,k] &implies &or(NULL
                                                       , ifelse(i>1, x[i-1, j, k+1], NULL)
                                                       , ifelse(i<m, x[i+1, j, k+1], NULL)
                                                       , ifelse(j>1, x[i, j-1, k+1], NULL)
                                                       , ifelse(j<n, x[i, j+1, k+1], NULL)
                                 , i = 1..m)
                             , j = 1..n)
                         , k = 1 .. m*n-1));

    one := &or(seq(seq(x[i,j,1], i=1..m), j=1..n));   

    single := &not(&or(seq(seq(seq(seq(x[i,j,k] &and x[i,j,kk], kk = k+1..m*n), k = 1..m*n-1)
                                , i = 1..m), j = 1..n)));

    sol := Logic:-Satisfy(&and(initial, adjacent, one, single));
    if sol = NULL then
        error "no solution";
    end if;
if inline then
        S := M;
        S := Matrix(m,n);
    end if;

    for eq in sol do
        (var, val) := op(eq);
        if val then
            S[op(1..2, var)] := op(3,var);
        end if;
    end do;
end proc:

           Two simple examples

A:=<0,0,5; 0,0,0; 0,0,9>;
# The unique solution

A:=<0,0,5; 0,0,0; 0,8,0>;
# 4 solutions

Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 5, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 9})


Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 3, (1, 2) = 4, (1, 3) = 5, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 7, (2, 3) = 6, (3, 1) = 1, (3, 2) = 8, (3, 3) = 9})


Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 5, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 8, (3, 3) = 0})


Matrix(%id = 18446746210121682686), Matrix(%id = 18446746210121682806), Matrix(%id = 18446746210121674750), Matrix(%id = 18446746210121674870)


Comparison with Numbrix procedure. The example is taken from 

 A:=<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
 0, 0, 46, 45, 0, 55, 74, 0, 0;
 0, 38, 0, 0, 43, 0, 0, 78, 0;
 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 71, 0;
 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0;
 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 0;
 0, 18, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 64, 0;
 0, 0, 24, 21, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0;
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>;

Matrix(9, 9, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (1, 5) = 0, (1, 6) = 0, (1, 7) = 0, (1, 8) = 0, (1, 9) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 46, (2, 4) = 45, (2, 5) = 0, (2, 6) = 55, (2, 7) = 74, (2, 8) = 0, (2, 9) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 38, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (3, 5) = 43, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 78, (3, 9) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 35, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0, (4, 5) = 0, (4, 6) = 0, (4, 7) = 0, (4, 8) = 71, (4, 9) = 0, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 0, (5, 3) = 33, (5, 4) = 0, (5, 5) = 0, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 59, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (6, 1) = 0, (6, 2) = 17, (6, 3) = 0, (6, 4) = 0, (6, 5) = 0, (6, 6) = 0, (6, 7) = 0, (6, 8) = 67, (6, 9) = 0, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = 18, (7, 3) = 0, (7, 4) = 0, (7, 5) = 11, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 64, (7, 9) = 0, (8, 1) = 0, (8, 2) = 0, (8, 3) = 24, (8, 4) = 21, (8, 5) = 0, (8, 6) = 1, (8, 7) = 2, (8, 8) = 0, (8, 9) = 0, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = 0, (9, 3) = 0, (9, 4) = 0, (9, 5) = 0, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0})


memory used=7.85MiB, alloc change=-3.01MiB, cpu time=172.00ms, real time=212.00ms, gc time=93.75ms


Matrix(9, 9, {(1, 1) = 49, (1, 2) = 50, (1, 3) = 51, (1, 4) = 52, (1, 5) = 53, (1, 6) = 54, (1, 7) = 75, (1, 8) = 76, (1, 9) = 81, (2, 1) = 48, (2, 2) = 47, (2, 3) = 46, (2, 4) = 45, (2, 5) = 44, (2, 6) = 55, (2, 7) = 74, (2, 8) = 77, (2, 9) = 80, (3, 1) = 37, (3, 2) = 38, (3, 3) = 39, (3, 4) = 40, (3, 5) = 43, (3, 6) = 56, (3, 7) = 73, (3, 8) = 78, (3, 9) = 79, (4, 1) = 36, (4, 2) = 35, (4, 3) = 34, (4, 4) = 41, (4, 5) = 42, (4, 6) = 57, (4, 7) = 72, (4, 8) = 71, (4, 9) = 70, (5, 1) = 31, (5, 2) = 32, (5, 3) = 33, (5, 4) = 14, (5, 5) = 13, (5, 6) = 58, (5, 7) = 59, (5, 8) = 68, (5, 9) = 69, (6, 1) = 30, (6, 2) = 17, (6, 3) = 16, (6, 4) = 15, (6, 5) = 12, (6, 6) = 61, (6, 7) = 60, (6, 8) = 67, (6, 9) = 66, (7, 1) = 29, (7, 2) = 18, (7, 3) = 19, (7, 4) = 20, (7, 5) = 11, (7, 6) = 62, (7, 7) = 63, (7, 8) = 64, (7, 9) = 65, (8, 1) = 28, (8, 2) = 25, (8, 3) = 24, (8, 4) = 21, (8, 5) = 10, (8, 6) = 1, (8, 7) = 2, (8, 8) = 3, (8, 9) = 4, (9, 1) = 27, (9, 2) = 26, (9, 3) = 23, (9, 4) = 22, (9, 5) = 9, (9, 6) = 8, (9, 7) = 7, (9, 8) = 6, (9, 9) = 5})


memory used=1.21GiB, alloc change=307.02MiB, cpu time=37.00s, real time=31.88s, gc time=9.30s


Matrix(%id = 18446746210094669942)


In the example below, which has 104 solutions, the  Numbrix  procedure is faster.


Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (1, 5) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (2, 5) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (3, 5) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0, (4, 5) = 0, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 0, (5, 3) = 0, (5, 4) = 0, (5, 5) = 25})


memory used=0.94GiB, alloc change=-22.96MiB, cpu time=12.72s, real time=11.42s, gc time=2.28s




memory used=34.74MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=781.00ms, real time=783.00ms, gc time=0ns





Here is a classic puzzle:
You are camping, and have an 8-liter bucket which is full of fresh water. You need to share this water fairly into exactly two portions (4 + 4 liters). But you only have two empty buckets: a 5-liter and a 3-liter. Divide the 8 liters in half in as short a time as possible.

This is not an easy task and requires at least 7 transfusions to solve it. 

The procedure  Pouring  solves a similar problem for the general case. Given n buckets of known volume and the amount of water in each bucket is known. Buckets can be partially filled, be full or be empty (of course the case when all is empty or all is full is excluded). With each individual transfusion, the bucket from which it is poured must be completely free, or the bucket into which it is poured must be completely filled. It is forbidden to pour water anywhere other than the indicated buckets.

Formal parameters of the procedure: BucketVolumes  is a list of bucket volumes,  WaterVolumes  is a list of water volumes in these buckets. The procedure returns all possible states that can occur during transfusions in the form of a tree (the initial state  WaterVolumes  is its root).

Pouring:=proc(BucketVolumes::list(And(positive,{integer,float,fraction})),WaterVolumes::list(And(nonnegative,{integer,float,fraction})), Output:=graph)
local S, W, n, N, OneStep, j, v, H, G;
uses ListTools, GraphTheory;

if nops(WaterVolumes)<>n then error "The lists should be the same length" fi;
if n<2 then error "Must have at least 2 buckets" fi;
if not `or`(op(WaterVolumes>~0)) then error "There must be at least one non-empty bucket" fi;
if BucketVolumes=WaterVolumes then error "At least one bucket should not be full" fi;
if not `and`(seq(WaterVolumes[i]<=BucketVolumes[i], i=1..n)) then error "The amount of water in each bucket cannot exceed its volume" fi;

local w, k, i, v, V, k1, v0;
global L;
L:=convert(Flatten(W,1), set);
for w in W do
k:=0; v:='v';
for i from 1 to n do
for j from 1 to n do
if i<>j and w[-1][i]<>0 and w[-1][j]<BucketVolumes[j] then k:=k+1; v[k]:=subsop(i=`if`(w[-1][i]<=BucketVolumes[j]-w[-1][j],0,w[-1][i]-(BucketVolumes[j]-w[-1][j])),j=`if`(w[-1][i]<=BucketVolumes[j]-w[-1][j],w[-1][j]+w[-1][i],BucketVolumes[j]),w[-1]); fi;
if `and`(seq(v0 in L, v0=v)) then k1:=k1+1; V[k1]:=w else 
for v0 in v do  
if not (v0 in L) then k1:=k1+1; V[k1]:=[op(w),v0] fi;
L:=L union convert(v,set);
end proc:

for N from 1 do
if S[N-1]=S[N] then break fi;
if Output=set then return L else
if Output=trails then interface(rtablesize=infinity);
return <H[N-1]> else
DrawGraph(G, style=tree, root=convert(WaterVolumes,string)[2..-2], stylesheet = [vertexcolor = "Yellow", vertexfont=[TIMES,20]], size=[800,500])  fi; fi;

end proc: 

Examples of use:

Here is the solution to the original puzzle above. We see that at least 7 transfusions are  
required to get equal volumes (4 + 4) in two buckets

Pouring([8,5,3], [8,0,0]);


 With an increase in the number of buckets, the number of solutions is extremely 
 increased. Here is the solution to the problem: is it possible to equalize the amount of water (7+7+7+7) in the following example? 

S:=Pouring([14,10,9,9],[14,10,4,0], set);
is([7,7,7,7] in S);






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