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16 years, 223 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Kitonum

I learned about this problem from Aser's post   See  page of tasks still without  Maple implementation. 

The procedure  game24  solves the problem. In the procedure Acer's  procedure  MyHandler is  used, which prevents the program to stop in case of 0 in the denominator.



local MyHandler,It, K, M, i, P;

uses StringTools, combinat;

 MyHandler := proc(operator,operands,default_value)

      NumericStatus( division_by_zero = false );

      return infinity;

   end proc;



local i, j, L;


for i in L1 do

for j in L2 do

L:=[op(L), op([Substitute(Substitute("( i + j )","i",convert(i,string)),"j",convert(j,string)),Substitute(Substitute("( i - j )","i",convert(i,string)),"j",convert(j,string)),Substitute(Substitute("( i * j )","i",convert(i,string)),"j",convert(j,string)),Substitute(Substitute("( i / j )","i",convert(i,string)),"j",convert(j,string))])];

od; od;


end proc; 



for i in P do

K:=[op(K),op(It(It(It([i[1]],[i[2]]),[i[3]]),[i[4]])), op(It(It([i[1]],It([i[2]],[i[3]])),[i[4]])), op(It([i[1]],It(It([i[2]],[i[3]]),[i[4]]))), op(It([i[1]],It([i[2]],It([i[3]],[i[4]])))), op(It(It([i[1]],[i[2]]),It([i[3]],[i[4]])))];



for i in K do

if parse(i)=24 then M:=[op(M), i] fi;


if nops(M)=0 then return `No solutions` else

for i in M do


od; fi; 

end proc:


Two examples:




        No solutions





In this post we present the solution with Maple to the logical problem of "Gardens Puzzle"

The Puzzle:

Five friends have their gardens next to one another, where they grow three kinds of crops: fruits (apple, pear, nut, cherry), vegetables (carrot, parsley, gourd, onion) and flowers (aster, rose, tulip, lily).

1. They grow 12 different varieties.
2. Everybody grows exactly 4 different varieties
3. Each variety is at least in one garden.
4. Only one variety is in 4 gardens.
5. Only in one garden are all 3 kinds of crops.
6. Only in one garden are all 4 varieties of one kind of crops.
7. Pear is only in the two border gardens.
8. Paul's garden is in the middle with no lily.
9. Aster grower doesn't grow vegetables.
10. Rose growers don't grow parsley.
11. Nuts grower has also gourd and parsley.
12. In the first garden are apples and cherries.
13. Only in two gardens are cherries.
14. Sam has onions and cherries.
15. Luke grows exactly two kinds of fruit.
16. Tulip is only in two gardens.
17. Apple is in a single garden.
18. Only in one garden next to Zick's is parsley.
19. Sam's garden is not on the border.
20. Hank grows neither vegetables nor asters.
21. Paul has exactly three kinds of vegetable.

Who has which garden and what is grown where?


About methods of solution. At first I just wanted to generate all variations and using conditions 1 .. 21 to find all solutions. But even if we use the condition that everybody grows exactly 4 different varieties then the total number variants equals  5!^2*binomial(12,4)^5=427945522455000000

So from the very beginning using some of the conditions 1 .. 21 we maximally reduce the number of possible variants. For example from the conditions 11, 18 and 6 implies that only in one garden are all 4 varieties of flowers. Next we pass through these variants and using conditions 1 .. 21 and finally come to a unique solution:


Fruits:={apple, pear, nut, cherry}:

Vegetables:={carrot, parsley, gourd, onion}:

Flowers:={aster, rose, tulip, lily}:




Set2:=Fruits union Vegetables union Flowers minus {nut,gourd,parsley} minus {apple,cherry,rose}:

Garden2:={seq({nut,gourd,parsley} union {Set2[i]}, i=1..nops(Set2))}:

Set3:=Vegetables union Flowers minus {parsley}:

Garden3:={seq({apple,cherry,pear} union {Set3[i]}, i=1..nops(Set3))}:

Set4:=combinat[choose](Fruits union Vegetables union Flowers minus {onion,cherry} minus {apple,parsley,pear,nut}, 2):

Garden4:={seq({onion,cherry} union Set4[i], i=1..nops(Set4))}:

Set5:=Fruits union Vegetables union Flowers minus {apple, cherry,nut,parsley}:

Garden5:=combinat[choose](Set5, 4):



for s1 in Garden1 do

for s2 in Garden2 do

for s3 in Garden3 do

for s4 in Garden4 do

for s5 in Garden5 do

s:=[s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]: s_4:=combinat[choose](s,4): m:=0: n:=0: k:=0: p:=0: q:=0:

for i in s do

if `intersect`(i,Fruits)<>{} and `intersect`(i,Vegetables)<>{} and `intersect`(i,Flowers)<>{} then m:=m+1: fi:

if pear in i then n:=n+1: fi:

if tulip in i then k:=k+1: fi:

if aster in i and `intersect`(i,Vegetables)<>{} then p:=p+1: fi:

if i=Fruits or i=Vegetables or i=Flowers then q:=q+1: fi:


if nops(`union`(op(s)))=12 and nops(`union`(seq(`intersect`(op(s_4[j])), j=1..nops(s_4))))=1 and m=1 and n=2 and k=2 and p=0 and q=1 then S:=[op(S),[s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]]: fi:

od: od: od: od: od:







for l in L do

for s in S do

sol:=[seq([op(l[i]),s[i]], i=1..5)]:

gad1:=op(select(has,sol,parsley)): gad2:=op(select(has,sol,Zick)):

if abs(gad1[1]-gad2[1])=1 and convert([seq(((pear in sol[i][3] implies (sol[i][1]=1 or sol[i][1]=5)) and (sol[i][2]=Paul implies (not lily in sol[i][3])) and (sol[i][1]=1 implies (apple in sol[i][3] and cherry in sol[i][3])) and (sol[i][2]=Sam implies (onion in sol[i][3] and cherry in sol[i][3])) and (sol[i][2]=Luke implies nops(`intersect`(sol[i][3],Fruits))=2) and (sol[i][2]=Hank implies (`intersect`(sol[i][3],Vegetables)={} and not aster in sol[i][3])) and (sol[i][2]=Paul implies nops(`intersect`(sol[i][3],Vegetables))=3)), i=1..5)], `and`) then Sol:=[op(Sol), sol]: fi:


od: od:

for i in Sol do





In this post we present another compact proof of this remarkable theorem without using  geometry package.
The proof uses a procedure called  Cc , which for three points returns a list of the coordinates of the center and the radius of the circumscribed circle.



local x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x, y;

x1,y1:=op(A);  x2,y2:=op(B);  x3,y3:=op(C);

solve({(x2-x1)*(x-(x1+x2)/2)+(y2-y1)*(y-(y1+y2)/2)=0, (x2-x3)*(x-(x2+x3)/2)+(y2-y3)*(y-(y2+y3)/2)=0},{x,y});


[simplify([x,y]), simplify(sqrt((x-x1)^2+(y-y1)^2))];

end proc:

Proof for arbitrary triangle:

A, B, C:=[x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]:

A1, B1, C1, M:=(B+C)/2, (A+C)/2, (A+B)/2, (A+B+C)/3:

P1:=Cc(A,M,B1)[1]: P2:=Cc(B1,M,C)[1]: P3:=Cc(C,M,A1)[1]:

P4:=Cc(A1,M,B)[1]: P5:=Cc(B,M,C1)[1]: P6:=Cc(C1,M,A)[1]:

Cc1:=Cc(P1,P2,P3):  Cc2:=Cc(P4,P5,P6):




Code of the animation:


N := 192:

A := seq(plot([[.85*sin(t)^3-2+1.25*i/N, .85*(13*cos(t)*(1/15)-(1/3)*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)*(1/15)-(1/15)*cos(4*t)), t = 0 .. Pi*i/N], [-.85*sin(t)^3-2+1.25*i/N, .85*(13*cos(t)*(1/15)-(1/3)*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)*(1/15)-(1/15)*cos(4*t)), t = 0 .. Pi*i/N], [sin(t)^3+2-1.25*i/N, 13*cos(t)*(1/15)-(1/3)*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)*(1/15)-(1/15)*cos(4*t), t = 0 .. Pi*i/N], [-sin(t)^3+2-1.25*i/N, 13*cos(t)*(1/15)-(1/3)*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)*(1/15)-(1/15)*cos(4*t), t = 0 .. Pi*i/N]], color = red, thickness = 5, view = [-3 .. 3, -1.2 .. .9]), i = 1 .. N):

plots[display](A, insequence = true, scaling = constrained, axes = none);

An isometry of the Euclidean plane is a distance-preserving transformation of the plane.  There are four types: translations,  rotations,  reflections,  and  glide reflections. See

Procedure  AreIsometric  checks two plane sets  Set1  and  Set2  and  if there is an isometry of the plane mapping the first set to the second one, then the procedure returns true and false otherwise. Global variable  T  saves the type of isometry and all its parameters. For example, it returns  the rotation center and rotation angle, etc.

Each of the sets  Set1  and  Set2   is the set (or list) consisting of the following objects in any combinations:

1) The points that are defined as a list of coordinates  [х, y] .

2) Segments, which are defined as a set (or list)  of two points  {[x1, y1], [x2, y2]}  or  [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]  .

3) Curves, which should  be defined as a list of points   [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]].

Of course, if  n = 2, then the curve is identical to the segment.


Code of the procedure:

AreIsometric:=proc(Set1::{set,list}, Set2::{set,list}) 

local n1, n2, n3, n4,s1, S, s, l1, l2, S11, f, x0, y0, phi, Sol, x, y, M1, M2, A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, line1, line2, line3, line4, u, v, Sign, g, M, Line1, Line2, Line3, A, B, C, h, AB, CD, Eq, Eq1, T1, T2, i, S1, S2, T11; 

global T; 

uses combinat;     


S1:={};  S2:={};  T1:={}; T2:={}; 


for i in Set1 do 

if i[1]::realcons  then S1:={op(S1),i} else 

S1:={op(i), op(S1)};  T1:={op(T1), seq({i[k],i[k+1]}, k=1..nops(i)-1)} fi;  



for i in Set2 do 

if i[1]::realcons  then S2:={op(S2),i} else 

S2:={op(i), op(S2)};  T2:={op(T2), seq({i[k],i[k+1]}, k=1..nops(i)-1)} fi; 



n1:=nops(S1);  n2:=nops(S2);  n3:=nops(T1); n4:=nops(T2); 

if is(S1=S2) and is(T1=T2) then T:=identity;  return true fi; 

if n1<>n2 or n3<>n4 then return false fi; 

if n1=1 then T:=[translation, <S2[1,1]-S1[1,1], S2[1,2]-S1[1,2]>];  return true fi;


f:=(x,y,phi)->[(x-x0)*cos(phi)-(y-y0)*sin(phi)+x0, (x-x0)*sin(phi)+(y-y0)*cos(phi)+y0];  g:=(x,y)->[(B^2*x-A^2*x-2*A*B*y-2*A*C)/(A^2+B^2), (A^2*y-B^2*y-2*A*B*x-2*B*C)/(A^2+B^2)]; 

_Envsignum0 := 1;


s1:=[S1[1], S1[2]];  S:=select(s->is((s1[2,1]-s1[1,1])^2+(s1[2,2]-s1[1,2])^2=(s[2,1]-s[1,1])^2+(s[2,2]-s[1,2])^2),permute(S2, 2));    

for s in S do   


# Checking for translation    

l1:=s[1]-s1[1]; l2:=s[2]-s1[2]; 

if is(l1=l2) then S11:=map(x->x+l1, S1); 

if n3<>0 then T11:={seq(map(x->x+l1, T1[i]), i=1..nops(T1))}; fi; 

if n3=0 then  if is(S11=S2) then T:=[translation, convert(l1, Vector)]; return true fi;  else 

if is(S11=S2) and is(T11=T2) then T:=[translation, convert(l1, Vector)]; return true fi; fi; 



# Checking for rotation   

x0:='x0'; y0:='y0'; phi:='phi'; u:='u'; v:='v'; Sign:='Sign';    

if  is(s1[1]-s[1]<>s1[2]-s[2]) then  

M1:=[(s1[1,1]+s[1,1])/2, (s1[1,2]+s[1,2])/2]; M2:=[(s1[2,1]+s[2,1])/2, (s1[2,2]+s[2,2])/2]; A1:=s1[1,1]-s[1,1]; B1:=s1[1,2]-s[1,2]; A2:=s1[2,1]-s[2,1]; B2:=s1[2,2]-s[2,2];    line1:=A1*(x-M1[1])+B1*(y-M1[2])=0; line2:=A2*(x-M2[1])+B2*(y-M2[2])=0;  

if is(A1*B2-A2*B1<>0) then Sol:=solve({line1, line2}); x0:=simplify(rhs(Sol[1]));   y0:=simplify(rhs(Sol[2])); u:=[s1[1,1]-x0,s1[1,2]-y0]; v:=[s[1,1]-x0,s[1,2]-y0];    else   

if is(s[2]-s1[1]=s[1]-s1[2])  then   x0:=(s1[1,1]+s[1,1])/2;  y0:=(s1[1,2]+s[1,2])/2; 

if is([x0,y0]<>s1[1]) then  u:=[s1[1,1]-x0,s1[1,2]-y0]; v:=[s[1,1]-x0,s[1,2]-y0]; else 

u:=[s1[2,1]-x0,s1[2,2]-y0]; v:=[s[2,1]-x0,s[2,2]-y0]; fi;

else  A3:=s1[2,1]-s1[1,1];  B3:=s1[2,2]-s1[1,2]; A4:=s[2,1]-s[1,1];  B4:=s[2,2]-s[1,2];  line3:=B3*(x-s1[1,1])-A3*(y-s1[1,2])=0;  line4:=B4*(x-s[1,1])-A4*(y-s[1,2])=0;Sol:=solve({line3, line4}); x0:=simplify(rhs(Sol[1])); y0:=simplify(rhs(Sol[2]));   

if is(s1[1]=s[1]) then    u:=s1[2]-[x0,y0]; v:=s[2]-[x0,y0]; else   

u:=s1[1]-[x0,y0]; v:=s[1]-[x0,y0];  fi;  fi;  fi;   

Sign:=signum(u[1]*v[2]-u[2]*v[1]);   phi:=Sign*arccos(expand(rationalize(simplify((u[1]*v[1]+u[2]*v[2])/sqrt(u[1]^2+u[2]^2)/sqrt(v[1]^2+v[2]^2)))));      S11:=expand(rationalize(simplify(map(x->f(op(x), phi), S1))));   

if n3<>0 then T11:={seq(expand(rationalize(simplify(map(x->f(op(x), phi), T1[i])))), i=1..nops(T1))}; fi; 

if n3=0 then  if is(S11=expand(rationalize(simplify(S2))))  then T:=[rotation, [x0,y0], phi]; return true fi;  else 

if is(S11=expand(rationalize(simplify(S2)))) and  is(T11=expand(rationalize(simplify(T2)))) then  

T:=[rotation, [x0,y0], phi]; return true fi;  fi; 





# Checking for reflection or glide reflection   

for s in S do    

AB:=s1[2]-s1[1]; CD:=s[2]-s[1];  

if is(AB[1]*CD[2]-AB[2]*CD[1]=0) then  M:=(s1[2]+s[1])/2;

if  is(AB[1]*CD[1]+ AB[2]*CD[2]>0) then  A:=AB[2]; B:=-AB[1];    Line1:=A*(x-M[1])+B*(y-M[2])=0;  else 

A:=AB[1]; B:=AB[2];  Line2:=A*(x-M[1])+B*(y-M[2])=0; fi;  

else     u:=[AB[1]+CD[1], AB[2]+CD[2]];  A:=u[2]; B:=-u[1];     M:=[(s1[1,1]+s[1,1])/2, (s1[1,2]+s[1,2])/2]; Line3:=A*(x-M[1])+B*(y-M[2])=0;   fi;    C:=-A*M[1]-B*M[2];  h:= simplify(expand(rationalize(s[1]-g(op(s1[1])))));    S11:=expand(rationalize(simplify(map(x->g(op(x))+h, S1))));  

if n3<>0 then T11:={seq(expand(rationalize(simplify(map(x->g(op(x))+h, T1[i])))), i=1..nops(T1))}; fi;    

if n3=0 then   if is(S11=expand(rationalize(S2))) then 

Eq:=A*x+B*y+C=0; Eq1:=`if`(is(coeff(lhs(Eq), y)<>0), y=solve(Eq, y),  x=solve(Eq, x)); 

if h=[0,0] then  T:=[reflection, Eq1] else T:=[glide_reflection,Eq1,convert(h, Vector)] fi; return true fi; else  

if is(S11=expand(rationalize(S2))) and is(T11=expand(rationalize(T2))) then 

Eq:=A*x+B*y+C=0; Eq1:=`if`(is(coeff(lhs(Eq), y)<>0), y=solve(Eq, y),  x=solve(Eq, x)); 

if h=[0,0] then T:=[reflection, Eq1] else

T:=[glide_reflection,Eq1,convert(h, Vector)] fi; return true fi;  fi;   



T:='T';   false;  

end proc:


Three simple examples:

AreIsometric({[4, 0], [7, 4], [14, 0]}, {[4, 14], [9, 14], [10, 6]});  T;


AreIsometric({[2, 0], [2, 2], [5, 0]}, {[3, 3], [3, 6], [5, 3]});  T;


S1 := {[[5, 5], [5, 20], [10, 15], [15, 20], [15, 5]]}: 
S2 := {[[21, 11], [30, 23], [31, 16], [38, 17], [29, 5]]}: 
S3 := {[[50, 23], [41, 11], [51, 16], [49, 5], [58, 17]]}: 
AreIsometric(S1, S2); T; AreIsometric(S1, S3);

plots[display](plottools[curve](op(S1), thickness = 2, color = green), plottools[curve](op(S2), thickness = 2, color = green), plottools[curve](op(S3), thickness = 2, color = red), scaling = constrained, view = [-1 .. 60, -1 .. 25]);  # Green sets are isometric,  green and red sets aren't


Example with animation:

S1:={[0,0],[-1,2],[2,4],[4,2]}:  S2:={[8,3],[6,6],[8,8],[10,4]}:

AreIsometric(S1, S2);  T;  

with(plots): with(plottools): 

#  For clarity, instead of points polygons depicted with vertices at these points 


A:=seq(rotate(polygon([[0,0],[-1,2],[2,4],[4,2]], color=blue), (k*Pi)/(2*N), [3,7]), k=0..N):  B:=polygon([[8,3],[6,6],[8,8],[10,4]], color=green):  E:=line([3,7], [6,6], color=black, linestyle=2): 

C:=seq(rotate(line([3,7], [2,4], color=black, linestyle=2), (k*Pi)/(2*N), [3,7]), k=0..N):  L:=curve([[3,7],[2,4], [-1,2], [0,0],[4,2], [2,4]], color=black, linestyle=2):  T:=textplot([3, 7.2, "Center of rotation"]): 

Frames:=seq(display(A[k], B, E,T,L, C[k]), k=1..N+1):   

display(seq(Frames[k],k=1..N+1), insequence=true, scaling=constrained);



Finding unique solutions to the problem of Queens (m chess queens on an n×n chessboard not attacking one another). Used the procedures  Queens  and  QueenPic  . See

Queens(8, 8);  M := [ListTools[Categorize](AreIsometric, S)]:


seq(op(M[k])[1], k = 1 .. %);   # 12 unique solutions from total 92 solutions

QueensPic([%], 4);  #  Visualization of obtained solutions



Finding unique solutions to the problem "Polygons of matches"  (all polygons with specified perimeter and area). See

N := 12: S := 6: Polygons(N, S);

M := [ListTools[Categorize](AreIsometric, T)]:

n := nops(M);

seq([op(M[k][1])], k = 1 .. n);  #  7 unique solutions from total 35 solutions with perimeter 12 and area 6

Visual([%], 4);  #  Visualization of obtained solutions


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