
Mr. Mackenzie Savoy

15 Reputation

One Badge

2 years, 100 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mackenzie_Savoy

Good day,

I am looking for some guidance with the Syrup toolbox

I have a netlist that was generated with the Altium designer Spice simulator (XSpice based), I was able to import it into LTSpice and verrify the results.

I want to move it into maple to make use of the modellica code generation.

I then began modifying the netlist in order to meet the netlist syntax of Syrup. One of the most prominant change I needed to make was the arbitrary input nodes for my Voltage dependant Voltage sources. 

Therefore, for any line that implies arbitrary sources such as:

E_U8_E1 U8_N208620 LO
+ VALUE { IF(V(U8_N208706, 0) > 0.5, 5, -5) }

was changed to:

V1    16   17 1vdc

E_U8_E1 U8_N208620 LO 16 17
+ VALUE { IF(V(U8_N208706, 0) > 0.5, 5, -5) }

This, of course, is a non ideal workaround which brings me to question 1,

Is there a way to define a arbitrary source with the Spice parser in Syrup?

Once these changes were made, it seems the Solve function in Syrup can parse the netlist without issue, however when it gets to the Solve portion it throws the following error:

Solve("file://C:/Users/msavoy/Documents/Spice_cct/inverter_newfet_nonot.cir", 'tran');
Solve: Analyzing SPICE deck "The Apple" (ignoring this line)
Error, (in Syrup:-Solve) invalid input: rcopy uses a 1st argument, A (of type anything), which is missing

Attached is a copy of the netlist, inverter_newfet_nonot.txtI am honestly at a lost as to what could be throwing the rcopy error

Furthermore, I wanted to test out the Modellica code generation in Syurp, it appears that it does not like having subcircuits, as running the test:

V 1 0 1
L1 1 2 L
C1 2 0 C
L2 2 3 L
C2 3 0 C
L3 3 4 L
C3 4 0 C
Vshort 4 5 0
Rt 5 0 1
V1 14 15 1
EINT YINT 0 14 15
+ VALUE {IF(V(A) > 0.5 && V(B) > 0.5 && V(C) > 0.5, 1, 0)}
CINT Y 0 1n

provides the error of:

test_c := ToModelica("file://C:/Users/msavoy/Documents/Spice_cct/test_cct_RCL.txt", 'probes' = ["Rt.v"], 'parameters' = {C = 2, L = 1});
Error, (in Syrup:-ToModelica) invalid input: nodeToModelica expects its 1st argument, node, to be of type nonnegint, but received Y

Is it possible to define a sub circuit in a netlist that is to be converted to Modellica, or do all subcircuits need to be defined in their own file?

Thank you

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