Mariusz Iwaniuk

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9 years, 127 days

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These are replies submitted by Mariusz Iwaniuk

A picture of a a worksheet in not executable: it is not editable.

So no-one here can do anything but read it before making suggestions.

You should post worksheets(or Maple code).


Mathematica is more advanced for solving define integrals.
The task is impossible with the current data.

See here:

When a circle can be encircled around a quadrilateral and yet touch each polygon vertex, the quadrilateral is said to be cyclic. A quadrilateral is referred to as bicentric if it can be both inscribed and circumscribed on a pair of circles rhen you can use Bretschneider’s formula.

For the Case III use: 

dsolve(eqs, [p(t), y(t)])

a := solve(eq, [x]);allvalues(a);


For me works fine.



`Maple 2024.1, X86 64 WINDOWS, Jun 25 2024, Build ID 1835466`


`assuming`([int(exp(-((x-a)/W)^2), x = -infinity .. z)], [a > 0, W > 0, `in`(z, real)])



`assuming`([limit((1/2)*Pi^(1/2)*W-(1/2)*erf((-z+a)/W)*Pi^(1/2)*W, z = -infinity)], [a > 0, W > 0])



`assuming`([int(exp(-((x-a)/W)^2), x = -infinity .. -infinity)], [a > 0, W > 0, `in`(z, real)])





Which integral is wrong ?



If "text is difficult to read" clik right mouse button on picture and open image in new tab, then should work.



infolevel[isolve] := 5;

infolevel[solve] := 5;

isolve(x^2 - 12*x*y + 6*y^2 + 4*x + 12*y - 3)

#isolve: Warning: unable to find solution over the integers.

(solve(x^2 - 12*x*y + 6*y^2 + 4*x + 12*y - 3, {x, y}, useassumptions = true) assuming (x in integer, y in integer))

#Warning, solve may not respect assumed property 'integer' on 'x'.
#Warning, solve may not respect assumed property 'integer' on 'y'.

#{x = 6*y - 2 + sqrt(30*y^2 - 36*y + 7), y = y}, {x = 6*y - 2 - sqrt(30*y^2 - 36*y + 7), y = y}

Mathematica gives:

The integral diverges !!!

and "Enter" ?


I doubt  be  can solvelable in Maple even near future,unless the people from Maple they will get to hard work.

Even Mathematica can't solve.

@Joseph Poveromo 

In my opinion it should be: int(y'(x)*x^2/(x^2-1),x) = int(sqrt(y(x)),x)^(-2/3)
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